News flash


Southern Discomfort

A big earthquake with the strength of 8.1 on the
Richter scale has hit Mexico. Two million Mexicans
have died and over a million are injured. The
country is totally ruined and the government doesn't
know where to start with asking for help to rebuild.

The rest of the world is in shock.
Canada is sending troopers to help the Mexican army
control the riots.
Saudi Arabia is sending oil.
Other Latin American countries are sending supplies.

The European community (except France) is sending
food and money.
The United States, not to be outdone, is sending two
million replacement Mexicans.

God Bless America.

(Lord, I apologize for that, an' be with the little pygmies down in Africa...)
A little Mexican boy goes into the kitchen where his mom is baking. He puts his hand in the flour and wipes it all over his face.

"Mom, look, I'm a white boy" His mom slaps him in the face and says, "Go show your father."

He goes to his dad in the living room and says, "Look dad, I'm a white boy." His dad slaps him hard in the face and says, "Go show your grandmother."

The boy goes in his grandmother's room and says, "Mira, abuelita, I'm a white boy." His grandmother slaps him in the face and sends him back to his mother.

His mother says, "See. Did you learn anything from that?"

The boy replies, "I Sure did. I have only been white for five minutes and already I don't like you damn Mexicans!"
Why doesnt mexico have a olympic team?
Because everyone that can run, jump, and swim
is already across the border!
I actually had some random guy tell me that joke while I was waiting for my food at Jack in the Box one day. I'd already heard the joke ages ago, but still, it's kind of weird to hear a Mexican joke told to a random stranger... in California... with Mexicans within earshot.