Newsweek liberals find Obama "creepy"


Well-Known Member
The very people who held him up as the Messiah now tell the truth about what they really think about him.



EVAN THOMAS: Saul Alinsky is, uh, really was a model from this, er, famous community organizer in Chicago, and this whole idea that Alinsky had that it's not gonna work if you offend large groups of people. You know, we think of community organizers as having their fist out and, you know? Ah, no, no, no, no, no. You have to win over the majority by being peaceful and nonthreatening. Saul Alinsky used the word "nonthreatening." This is key to Obama. There's no militancy involved. This is very important and -- and his chief strategist, Axelrod, really understood this. Especially if you're running a black guy for president, you cannot threaten the whites.

JON MEACHAM: He's very elusive, Obama, which is fascinating for a man who's written two memoirs. At Grant Park he walks out with the family, and then they go away.

CHARLIE ROSE: Mmm. Mmm-hmm.

MEACHAM: Biden's back, you know, locked in the bar or something.

ROSE: (haughty chuckle)

MEACHAM: You know, they don't let him out. And have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage?

ROSE: Mmm.

MEACHAM: No adoring wife, no cute kid. He is the messenger.

THOMAS: There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all this. I mean, he's such an admirable --

ROSE: Slightly. Creepy. Cult of personality.


ROSE: What's slightly creepy about it?

THOMAS: It -- it -- it just makes me a little uneasy that he's so singular. He's clearly managing his own spectacle. He's a deeply manipulative guy.

ROSE: Watching him last night in that speech, he finishes --


ROSE: -- and he sort of -- it's almost like he then ascends to look at the circumstance.

MEACHAM: He watches us watching him.

THOMAS: Watching him!

ROSE: Exactly!

THOMAS: He does --

MEACHAM: It's amazing.

ROSE: It is amazing.

THOMAS: He writes about this metaphor being a screen upon which Americans will project. He said they want of Barack Obama; I'm not sure I am Barack Obama.

ROSE: Mmm.

THOMAS: He has the self-awareness to know that this creature he's designed isn't necessarily a real person, and he's self-aware enough --

ROSE: Ahhhhhh.
There's also a Charlie Rose & Brokaw (I think) from the Fridayt before election that they both admit they know NOTHING about this guy. Somebody shoulda told 'em the media will take care of it.

ROSE: -- and he sort of -- it's almost like he then ascends (THE LORD HIGH BARAC OBAMA, MESSIAH )to look at the circumstance.

MEACHAM: He watches us watching him.

THOMAS: Watching him!

{cue money shot} ROSE: Exactly!
ROSE: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don't either.

ROSE: I don't know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don't really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: You know that's an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational speeches, two of them.

BROKAW: I don't know what books he's read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There's a lot about him we don't know.

well this does it. you've convinced me again, jim. i'm going to fight this thing will all the power i can muster.
You guys are pathetic.

"Liberals" are happy as hell. Jim, are you trying to generalize large groups by one persons comments again?

Good thread. Would read again. :laugh:
yep. four years of complaining has already begun.


And note that it was the Liberals who started complaining first about their own choice.

Note that it is the Liberals who are now admitting that they supported a man of whom they knew nothing, yet continued to pay blind obedience to the Liberal line.
Funny how a panel of three persons, speaking in agreement, becomes "one person's comments" in the minds of some.
Many Ozombies will lose their enthusiasm for their dear leader as taxes soar, the economy tanks, electric costs skyrocket, unemployment goes to double digits, and they are standing in line for their weekly 10 gallon ration of gasoline at $5+ per gallon.
And note that it was the Liberals who started complaining first about their own choice.

Note that it is the Liberals who are now admitting that they supported a man of whom they knew nothing, yet continued to pay blind obedience to the Liberal line.

Actually none of what you typed is true....and you're being pathetic.
Funny how a panel of three persons, speaking in agreement, becomes "one person's comments" in the minds of some.

What's would be really crazy would be if somebody would try and make 3 random jornalists represent ALL liberals or even a significant portion of liberals.

That would be silly.

Good thread. Would read again.

I imagine all I would have to do is find 3 actual liberals that are happy about Obama being elected to completely generalize things the other way right?

And then if I find 3 conservatives that like Obama I could safely say that "conservatives find Obama awesome" or some such? Then we'd have 100% of the population in agreement right?
And then if I find 3 conservatives that like Obama

Can't happen. His policies are in direct opposition to conservatism. YOU may find several claiming to be consevative...they'd be the same ones that call GW or McCain right wing.
Hey Jim, who really gives a shit what Brokaw and Rose think?

To some degree, we all should. They claim to be part of the media...the one that is supposed to be the watchdog for the citizens. The ones that failed to ask the hard questions (those who did were banished fromt eh Obama world). The ones that propped him up like some sort of second rate dictator.

If the media, and it's highest held members, aren't willing to do their job, we're all sunk.
Can't happen. His policies are in direct opposition to conservatism. YOU may find several claiming to be consevative...they'd be the same ones that call GW or McCain right wing.

It did happen. A ton of conservatives voted Obama because his policies made more sense than McCain's. People actualy broke from the fear mongering to do something smart.