NFL Suicide Pools


New Member
Anyone taking part in a Suicide Pool? I've got two entries in my company's pool and it's up to 87 people already.

Rusty makes all the picks for me and we actually won the first year we entered. Then we took a year off and now we're back again.

Some of these guys have four, five, six entries to better their chances. I'm not that entrenched. Yet. :D
Oops! Sorry, thought it was a typical thing. :D

Here's how it goes. All the people entered pick one football team that they think is going to win that week. Let's say theres 4 games, I only have to pick the winner of one of those games. If I pick a loser, I'm out of the pool.

If I pick a winner, I go on to the next week and pick again. You can't choose the same team twice. It goes like this until there's only one person left and they win the entire thing.

The "suicide" part comes in because you're picking your team; if they lose, you killed your spot in the pool and you're out.
See, that's the catch. You could pick the same team all the time, then the pool would never end. It makes it interesting. :)
It's also fun to see the names drop off the list and the kind of comraderie that surrounds it on Monday/Tuesday mornings. You'll usually hear, "See, I TOLD you not to pick them!" and that kind of stuff. It's fun.
It should be fairly easy. All one need do is bet on whomever is playing either the Bengals, Miami, or Houston. Thats about as close to 90% victory as one coul expect.
$25. for each "entry". Right now it's up to 87 people and he usually gets a rush of people the day before the first game. So we could be over $3000. by then.

This stuff is big in NY. The guy at my deli (Unc - Max Bialystok's) has a suicide pool with over $10000. pots. They run them the whole season, once someone wins, they start a new one.

Our pool is 1st place only, no 2nd or 3rd. But two years ago, this other guy and I were the last two left and we both lost the same day. According to the rules, we split the money down the middle so I got half the pot, which at that time was only $1400.
My new Saturday morning routine is getting up at about 7ish, walking to the deli, getting a mini bagel, coffee and the local newspaper. Walking down to the boardwalk and reading the paper while eating my breakfast, with the joggers and waves and birds and surfers... I'm really going to miss summer :(
182 entries, 1st prize is $4550. 51 entries are out as of today with 131 left.

Both of my picks (Colts, Rams) are still in it. Wish me luck, that's my honeymoon fund right there.