NFL week 5


Well I am MAJORLY disappointed in the Seahawks. They are a really good team, but we lost our best reciever, we were already down our 2nd best reciever since week one, and Holmgren continues his ultra conservative offensive approach.

I think more than anything we got out coached. We have a speed runner in Maurice Morris, and with Shaun Alexander hurt and obviously not playing anywhere near 100%, Holmgren doesn't even give Morris a single carry!

Worse still, we are supposedly a west coast team and if we couldn't hit the long balls where's the "dink and dunk" that made the WCO famous? I saw a couple of successful short passes, but we continually took shots down the field. I am not sure if this is Holmgren or Hasselbeck's fault, but we were offensively offensive!

The D played great, but when the D is on the field for like 7/10ths of the second half of course you're gonna give up plays.

In short I think this is a good loss if there is a such thing because hopefully they'll fix what's broke, but I am really beginning to think that Holmgren has not evolved, while the game has. Expect us to DESTROY the Ain'ts and Lambs in the next two weeks and fix what's broke, but I really wonder if Holmy's days are numbered in Seattle....
Well some consolation is that we actually were really good defensively, but having had the ball less than 1/3 of the whole game, any defense would be worn out, especially an undersized "speed" defense.

Another point is that while the Tards looked good against the Stealers last week, let's not forget that Tomlin has pretty much changed nothing in Pittsburgh, and therefore the Tards coaching staff knew exactly how to scheme against them. Add to that the fact that the Lambs gave the Tards a good run and I think AZ is not as good they seemed against Pittsburgh.

Still, if Whisenhunt, decides to just sit Leinart and keep Warner and Warner stays hot, we could be in for a battle in the west. I still have every confidence we will take the Tards on our home field, but Warner is a real wildcard guy, because when he is bad he's awful, but when he's hot he is a monster. Hopefully they will keep trying to groom Leinart, who I suspect will be another year at least off before he is really a viable starter, if he ever is.
Think there will be a QB controversy in Kansas City now? Huard gets hurt and the backup comes in and leads the Chiefs to a touchdown as time expires to avoid being shut out at home.

Right now is a good time to be a Raiders fan. KC lost, so the Raiders are ahead of the Chiefs in the standings. Oakland is 2-2 and on the bye week. The Broncos are 2-2 also and playing 1-3 San Diego, who has looked like ass until this game... but the Chargers drove down the field, got a TD, then Denver fumbled the kickoff and SD ran it back for a TD. Now it's 14-0 San Diego. If the Chargers win the game, they'll be 2-3 as will the Broncos and the Chiefs... and the Raiders will be alone in first place. :D
BTW... not everyone knows which teams you're talking about when you call them by your "Seattle Fan Nicknames." It would make it easier for people to figure out what you're talking about if they knew that Lambs=Rams, Tards=Cardinals, etc.
Well I must say anyone who couldn't figure it out isn't much of an NFL fan, or very intelligent, or both.
Man Kurt Warner is king in AZ, as Smith has a broken collarbone. Don't expect him to get his job back if Warner continues to play like he is, unless they should suffer O-Line injuries. The NFC west just became a real race.

Oh well, I guess that's good because it puts some pressure on our underperforming offense.

I hope they don't get any injuries, because I don't wanna win the west by default like we kind of did last year....

Plus I never wish for injuries on any team....
Yeah and we didn't have our two starting recievers, our best back is hurt, both backup backs are hurt, we are missing a key part of our defense in MarcusTubbs (IR), and Rocky Bernard was hurt, though he played anyway, AND we were in their house. When all is said and done we lost, but it's not near as impressive as it looks.

If you wanna compare excuses, we got ya beat by a landslide....

Good money has it the Seahawks will go farther in the playoffs than the Stealers. Bet me a dollar on that, I dare ya!?!
That's a serious bet, I'll lay a dollar even money to the first ten comers that we will go farther than Pittsburgh in the playoffs....


I could use the ten bucks....
With no Colts or Patriots to contend with, the Bucs might make it deeper into the playoffs than the Steelers before they get pwned too.
If we win our division we could get seeded against the best other NFC team and be one and done, so let's make it clearer. If both the Stealers and Seahawks are one and done no bet, but I got a dollar to the first ten takers that we win more plauoff games than Pittsburgh. So basically, if both teams don't make the playoffs no bet, and if they win the same amount of playoff games no bet, but if one wins more playoff games than the other, either I lose $10 or ten of you lose $1.

Clear enough? Put your money where your smacktalk is....
Oh and another thing. I am the first to admit that injuries are quite the valid excuse for losing, nonetheless it is part of the game, and a win is a win and a loss is a loss, but the trouble is people love to use injuries conveniently, like you guys did to build up the Pittsburgh victory.

The worse part for me is that the Seahawks are always an afterthought. The media hardly mentions our injuries, so you guys have a disadvantage when discussing football games involving the Seahawks unless you are Hawk fans. The only time in the entire existance of the Seahawks that they weren't an afterthought is when they made the NFC Championship in 2005, because they forced everyone to take them seriously, but we went straight back into obscurity in game one of 2006 and have remained there ever since.

I really think it's just a geographic phenomenon because we have a larger fanbase than many larger market teams, but the media never pays attention. The other thing I think is that we never have been dominating except in 2005. We also have never been particularly deep, and injuries have plagued us throughout the Holmgren era. I think Holmy really puts too high a value on proven aging free agents, and not enough emphasis on homegrown talent. Another thing is Holmy is definately only getting guys with a blue collar work ethic, no primadonnas or superstars, just all around solid, "no ego" types.

I'd lay money on that none of you knew about any of our injuries outside of Shaun Alexander, until I just told you in this thread, if there was any way to prove it, that is unless you are gambling on games.
As if I am gonna lay $200 on the line to a bunch of you, and get back potentially what? Most people don't pay their bets when you know them in person, let alone across the country on an internet BBS.

I'll bet damn near anybody online, a dollar on anything I know I'll win, and have done so several times. Fact is I get about 40% paid when I win and they have gotten 100% paid when I lost (once).

As for illegality, I know nothing of that, I think my offer is most likely legal, but against forum rules, but maybe someone else actually knows?

On another note....

Ever hear of a PM?