Night at the Museum


New Member
Saw this yesterday with the girls because school was out and Marlowe had been begging to go see it. I was sure it would be unenjoyable for those with a mental age of more than 10 but I was pleasantly surprised.
Don't get me wrong, it is one of those movies where you have to suspend all belief in reality and is riddled with all forms of scientific errors. And it is a Ben Stiller movie so it's humor is on low brow side at times but it was a good show and we all had some chuckles.
Unfortunately, it has left me with the unfulfillable desire to play fetch with a T-rex :)
I saw it in the theaters insead of the new Bond movie I was pushing for.

Ok, yes it was funny. Can't complain. Owen Wilson's little guy really made me laugh and I thought him and the Roman died in the monster truck.

The scene where they were letting air out of a tire totally won this for me.
Yeah, the combo of Jedadiah and Octavius was funny :D

This is so not a movie I would have watched had Mar not been pushing for it...and frankly I am happy because I have sat through much worse on their behalf.
Yes, Jedadiah and Octavius. I forgot the names.

Without them the movie would have been boring. Yeah sure, fetch with a T-Rex is enticing too.
bleedin hell - that is spooky - i logged off yesterday after reading the blonde bond norwegian porn thread thinking - right - been a long 7 days - bugrit and shrimp, i'm off to finally go see the bond film on the silver screen while i still can -

- well, get there - it's either wait for 90 mins for Bond , or go see Night at the museum -

Shrimp i think!

Millenium ...

so i go see Ben and the boyz -

Heh, i enjoyed it - i too went in with little to no expectations - i pretty much checked in my brain at the popcorn counter and that was it!

I found it had almost an old fashioned charm to it.

Steve Coogan was a complete hoot - he was worth it alone! :grinyes:


maybe SnP and Gonz should see it, heh? :grinyes: :bolt:
