Nixy!!!!! What did I tell you about that fish???


Well-Known Member
Nurse attacks colleague with frozen fish
A trout, if you must know
By Lester Haines
Published Friday 17th February 2006 12:13 GMT

A 55-year-old Tunbridge Wells nurse was today hauled before the Nursing and Midwifery Council's professional conduct committee in London for allegedly slapping a colleague with a frozen trout, the BBC reports.

The fish-assisted assault - after which the acccused reportedly said "give us a kiss" while moving the fish's mouth - was one of four charges of professional misconduct levelled at Patricia Jennings. She was also accused of inappropriate conduct, viz: "Reaching inside their [colleagues'] uniforms, asking questions about their private lives, and putting sweet wrappers down a nurse's top.

All the incidents took place during 2003 at the Kent and Sussex Hospital in Tunbridge Wells.

Now, we at El Reg normally wouldn't give this story shelf space, since frozen fish nurse attack stories are ten a penny, but the penultimate paragraph of the Beeb's report has a delicious, slightly surreal flavour:

Jamie Foster, for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, said Ms Jennings also lied about her training record, misled staff about the availability of beds on Ward 8, and bound a clerk's head and mouth with bandages while he was on the phone.

Mrs Jennings was neither present nor represented at the proceedings. She was, a spokeswoman for the Nursing and Midwifery Council has confirmed by email, struck off the nursing register earlier today. ®

Thanks to Gemma Turtle for the heads-up on this one. The trout, btw, was one of several brought to the hospital as a gift by a thoughtful patient. The Health and Safety Executive would have a fit.

Spank me and call me a sissy then. It would hardly be the highlight of my day if a colleague spanked me silly with a smell trout. :sick:
BeardofPants said:
Spank me and call me a sissy then. It would hardly be the highlight of my day if a colleague spanked me silly with a smell trout. :sick:
Well...okay...but would you call the authorities?