No Avs Appearing


New Member
Anyone else experiencing this (see attachment)

Same in IE6 and NS7 ,logged in or not logged in .Its been happening for a couple days ,but I had hope it would fix itself.AVs work fine at Xibase,HWC,VDr etc... I also cannot see any images that are imbedded i.e. One that Kuu did a couple days ago(I'll try and find the thread)

avs are working ok my end, but I did get a lack of images the other day for a short while. Then they reappeared again.
Did they somehow get unchecked in your profile?? I'm guessing not, since you can still see sigs and they're in the same category, but worth a look anyway.
Checked control panel to make sure view avs is selected ,but like I said ,it happens even when I'm not logged it .
I was wrong about embedded images ,those I can see fine,but not attached images i.e. the two girls kissing thread I can no longer see Spirits attached images (I guess my mother was wrong ,it wasn't me that went blind from doing ,but my Browsers;) ),but I can see Centurion Strategies Embedded pic in post #13.Last thing to try is boot to XP ,but its 4:40 a.m. here and I'm now off to bed .
AHhhh ,this is freakin me out .When I submitted my last post ,I could see all the avs (mine,scanty's and Q's) went to check other threads and when I came back to report I still couldn't see them,the Avs in thie thread were gone again. I'm usually up til 5a.m. so its not lack of sleep,honest.
Yes, the lack of attachments thing definitely happened to me the other day, but they did appear again. :shrug:
It was happening to me last night on my home computer but it isn't happening now on my work computer. Same OS, same browser. I could see the images I attached but not images other people attached either.
Odd. :tardbang:

Guess some browsers just won't work with the hotlinking protection enabled. Oh well. We may just have to live with getting our bandwidth stolen from other sites. :shrug:
Yeah, that'll likely happen often until we can afford a dedicated server ($200+ a month)
havent had any probs seeing any and since puter helped me with mine(thanks puter)its been fine too. whats it syaing for yours AB?