No country for old men

Luis G

Staff member
Won best picture?

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. I watched it a couple of days ago and I almost fell asleep.
Artsy fartsy crap (read: Cohen brothers) with zero plot and fewer redeeming qualities, designed to win awards instead of telling a fuggin story, and to make the film snobs orgasm all over themselves while the remaining 99.6% of the public goes "Huh?"

Or so I've been told. I ain't been inside a movie theatre in any year beginning with a 2.
God you guys are such heathens. It's the coen brothers fer christsakes. :hmm: Fargo? Hudsucker Proxy? The Big Lebowski? C'mon! *handonhip
Artsy fartsy crap (read: Cohen brothers) with zero plot and fewer redeeming qualities, designed to win awards instead of telling a fuggin story, and to make the film snobs orgasm all over themselves while the remaining 99.6% of the public goes "Huh?"

Or so I've been told.

Whoever told you that is clueless.

Zero plot. :rofl3:
You seriously think The Big Lebowski sucked? Something's wrong with you, man. :bitchslap

Lets just say that I haven't been a fan of 'slacker' movies since...say...Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Have some ambition, at least. :bitchslap
On Spikes list, I've seen, or attempted to watch 8 of 'em.

Fargo was ok.
I've never been high in my whole life and absolutely love the movie. "Nobody fucks with the Jesus" is a totally classic line.