First it was Miguel Estrada. We can't have no stinkin' mexicans on the Federal Court, so suggests those in the party of the people. Now, it appears they're going to block the nominaion of a well qualified black woman and a black man. They hate Clarence Thomas & heap praises on David Souter. The pattern is getting more & more established.
When will this overtly racist political party step into the mainstream & allow persons of color & women to serve?
Janice Rogers Brown of Sacramento, who is a justice on the California Supreme Court, has been nominated by President Bush to a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. But it looks like the Democrats may already have their knives out for this distinguished black justice, and she may be subjected to The Big Stall as were Miguel Estrada and numerous other fine Bush appointees.
Janice Rogers Brown was born in Greenville, Alabama, and received her undergraduate and law degrees in California. She has served as a California Deputy Attorney General as well as the Deputy Secretary and General Counsel for California's Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency. After working in the private sector, Janice Rogers Brown served as the Legal Affairs Secretary under California Governor Pete Wilson and then on the California Court of Appeals before becoming a justice on the California Supreme Court in 1996.
WASHINGTON -The NAACP has adopted a stinging resolution opposing President Bush's nomination of Claude A. Allen, a Virginia Republican and African-American, to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
When will this overtly racist political party step into the mainstream & allow persons of color & women to serve?