North American Union


100% Pure Canadian Beef
step 1. allow cross border military activity.

Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.


scary is right.

I don't know what the push is to for the 'union'.

I don't know why our government is bent on destroying sovereignty on all sides.

This one world government shit ain't gonna fly, not even just North America.
oh people care, but just as many I didn't want to believe it then, but it's
fairly apparent now.

actually I think I just missed that thread, until you pointed it out the other day.
This one world government shit ain't gonna fly, not even just North America.

In fact it will. I don't like it any more than you do but it can be made to happen and I'm not sure we can stop it. In fact, I doubt if we can stop it.

me neither

if no-on wants it....

why does it seem to be happening?

Well now, clearly someone wants it. Let's see if we can guess who it benefits. I'll bet they'll start talking about how much "safer" it'll make us almost any day.

More bread please. More circuses while your at it.
well I know Bushes, and Clintons want it.
I'm guesing Kennedy is another, probably most/or half of the house and senate, some BIG money corps....

The people who think they have all the power, and do hold much of it because of the media,
and people not care, or thinking it doesn't affect them...