Not quite my idea, but close


Well-Known Member
It seems that they want to have the PD drop off illegals at the local offices of senators and reps.

I wanted them to simply send them to DC and drop them off.

I still like my idea better.


Bill Calls for Illegals to Be Dumped at Offices of Congressmen

Says all illegal immigrants should be ‘taken to the office of a US Senator or Congressman and left there’

By Jim Forsyth
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This should get their attention.

A measure filed by State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) would allow any law enforcement agency that has custody of an illegal immigrant to take the illegal to 'the office of a U.S. Senator or Representative' and leave them there.

1200 WOAI news reports the measure also allows county sheriff's deputies or city police officers to 'request an agent or employee of the United States Senator or United States Representative to sign a document acknowledging the release or discharge of the illegal immigrant at the senator's or representative's office.

The measure covers individuals who are 'not a citizen or national of the United States' and who is 'unlawfully present in the United States.'

Kolkhorst concedes the measure is a 'cry for help' to convince federal officials to secure the border, but she says she is serious about getting the measure approved by the Legislature.

The measure doesn't specify what the Senator or Congressman is supposed to do with the illegal immigrant, but calls on the law enforcement agency to 'maintain a record of each illegal immigrant released or discharged who is not transferred to the custody of the Untied States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.'

Illegal immigration has emerged as a top priority of the Republican super-majority in the Texas Legislature, and this is just one of several dozen bills introduced in Austin to deny jobs, housing, and government benefits to illegals.

Several thousand people are expected to descend on the state capitol today to denounce the measures, and to call on the federal government, not the states, to handle matters related to immigration.
that's cool, they would get bussed to the city where they might find work.

but talk about a dumbshit response. yes, let's send them to where it would be least practical to deal with them. imagine the costs for setting up slapdash facilities near the offices of the officials to deal with all the traffic. fucking brilliant. hey maybe we should just pay 'em to stay in mexico? would probably cost less.