Not sure how to feel


New Member
about this.

Enron's former chief accounting officer, Richard Causey, has struck a plea bargain with federal prosecutors and will avoid going to trial with the fallen energy company's two top executives, according to a person familiar with the negotiations.

Causey was expected to plead guilty Wednesday to one or more of the 34 criminal charges pending against him, this person told The Associated Press Tuesday on condition of anonymity because of the private nature of the discussions.

Causey, 45, agreed to testify against his former bosses, Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay and former CEO Jeffrey Skilling, in exchange for a much lesser prison sentence than he would receive if convicted on all counts.


On the one hand, he might give them more ammo to use on Lay and Skilling, who really need to get looooong prison terms. OTOH, as an honest corporate accountant, I know what this prick did to the image and good name of my profession - not to mention investor confidence, market dynamics, etc. He needs to take a hard fall for that.
Maybe. OTOH, this one will be closely watched by a hell of a lot of people. They may get tougher time as a result of that.
IMHO, there should be no such thing as an easy sentence. Throw the bastards in with the murderers, rapists, and other thieves. Make one good example, and the rest tend to fall in line...:grumpy:
Gato_Solo said:
IMHO, there should be no such thing as an easy sentence. Throw the bastards in with the murderers, rapists, and other thieves. Make one good example, and the rest tend to fall in line...:grumpy:
Oh if it was me being convicted of White collar, or no, you can bet I'd be in General population.
There again, it's all in who you know, or who's pockets you lined along the way.