Not sure if I did this thread before?


New Member
Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, What would you like to come back as in your next life. Only three per person......

1. A Man (for many reasons)
2. A kitty cat
3. A tootsy roll lolly pop (so I could be licked to the last drop) He He
I am fuzzy on the concept but here goes.

1) Large breasted woman with a great body (natural boobs only)

2) Heidi Klum's bathroom

3) David Beckham
I want to come back as a pig so I can experience a 30 minute orgasm.

Or as a bear - people expect you to be grumpy and hairy.

A big birthmark on Jennifer Aniston's face....don't know why, but it seems like a good idea.
id like to come back as
a cat-i love kitties
a dog-love dogs too
i cant decide between a bird and a dolhpin-birds fly free and id love the feeling and be able to sing w/out sounding like something crawled down my throat or like some heavy metal singer. a dolphin is playful and cute. and loveable
I'd come back as fire
And burn all the liars.
Leave a blanket of ash on the ground.