Not THAT diverse!


Southern Discomfort

A high school in Wisconsin planning a diversity day for juniors and seniors opted to cancel the program entirely instead of allowing a former gay or Christian speaker to participate, according to the Lacrosse Tribune.

Speakers for the event at Viroqua High School included Hmong, Jewish, Muslim, American Indian, African American, Latino, Buddhist, gay, physically disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged people.

The Liberty Counsel, a national public interest law firm, strongly suggested that the school include a Christian or formerly gay viewpoint among the Diversity Day speakers, saying "Diversity means, in our understanding, that the various views are presented, and that was lacking."

But a gay couple invited to the event said they would feel uncomfortable hearing from formerly gay people, so the school cancelled the event altogether.


Probably best in the long run. Looked like a parade of stereotypes to me anyway.

But could we possibly pander to the vocal few any more forcibly??!!!
Lemme get this straight (no pun intended). They cancelled it because the gays didn't want to head about someone not being gay? But not because the christians didn't want to hear about the gays?