Note to terrorists: take off the scarf


molṑn labé
Staff member
It passed in the lower house of parliament. The French have once again proven that freedom of religion & freedom from religion need an intermediary.

As much as I believe France has the right to pass these laws (never read thier Bill of Rights *snicker*) I find it simply amazing how the Arabs & the Jews are completely singled out while the Christians are only asked to tone it down.

If only those damned Jews would go away huh Jean.

must be against the whole Middle East and Middle East religions due to knee jerk reactions to terrorism
Knee :lol:

Knee :rofl:


Knee...*snicker*jerk re*snicker*actions :rofl4:

This is France. The place that wanted to keep saddam in power no matter how many times he had alqieda to dinner or how much oil he sent Jacques.
what the hell? there wasnt a connection between al-quaeda and Sadam. they have yet to prove that. the oil thing i agree with. and the knee jerk has been happening everywhere.
I'm a little shocked that they would pass such laws considering what a large %age of their population is muslim (via free travel with the north africa colonies). France has always been reluctant in the past to make a hardline decision against the Middle East because they are so exposed to toursit scaring terror incidents. I remember back in the 70s and 80s when the odd bomb kept going off in the shopping districts and the toursit cash plummetted. Since then, they have bowed to the pressure of a service sector economy for sheer fiscal health. They always saw it as better to just sit on their hands.
IN 20 years, the old blood French will be the minority & it'll all change anyway. Maybe they realize it's last call for retaliating for Algiers.
PLease bear in mind when you are accusing the French of being anti Islam that this proposal has the support of Mohhamed Sayed Tantawi - Grand Sheikh of the al-Azhar Mosque in Egypt.
chcr said:
No you won't, eventually you'll die. :D

one has to happen first. unless the three I am about to mention count
1.they both have a Q
2.they both are in the Middle east
3.they both were conquered

GNL I stated that about France because of earler laws mentioned on here
Gotnolegs said:
PLease bear in mind when you are accusing the French of being anti Islam that this proposal has the support of Mohhamed Sayed Tantawi - Grand Sheikh of the al-Azhar Mosque in Egypt.

I'm pointin out the anti-semitism that once again (still) has raised its ugly head in France (well, most of the EU) & has now spread to muslims
freako104 said:
i thought it hit the Muslims first?

Me too. In fact the title of this thread made me think we were discussing the banning of the Hijab - a Muslim item of clothing...

Obviously I am wrong and in this instance "terrorists" and "scarf" actually refers to a skullcap worn by Jews. Must be one of the UK vs American english things...
let me help, since neither of you can hit a link apparently

PARIS (AP) - France's lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to ban students from wearing Islamic head scarves and other religious apparel in public schools.

The classroom ban, which also applies to Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses
, was approved 494-36. In early March, the measure will go to the Senate, where there is little opposition.
Gonz said:
let me help, since neither of you can hit a link apparently

You might guess since I referred to the opinions of one of the more influential muslim leaders in the world that I was fairly up to speed with the politics of the nearest country to my own. You may also notice that I was referring to your words in the title of your post.

Admittedly it is much easier to ignore points that refute you and change the subject than argue when you are wrong.
Gonz said:
let me help, since neither of you can hit a link apparently

it as GNL siad is in his post it is in the thread title as well as another thread like this where Muslims were asked to take the Turbans off.
This would have made for an overly long title doncha thing?

France's lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to ban students from wearing Islamic head scarves and other religious apparel in public schools.

The classroom ban, which also applies to Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses

The title is usually apt to give an idea of the following story. It is ocassionaly exclusive.