Now here's a waste of a study


Staff member
(whole article pasted here cause of the holy hell that is the assortment of flash and popup ads)

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From the annuls of lets study something just for the heck of it comes this story about a study involving human volunteers, so scientists could find out which was more enjoyable, intercourse or masturbation.
The study found intercourse to be more "satisfying" than masturbation via a link that appears to connect with their finding, according to a published report.
After an orgasm, a hormone called prolactin is reportedly released in both males and females. This hormone brings on the euphoric feeling of being "satisfied" after sex; in reality, prolactin stimulates dopamine, a hormone that is also released during 'pleasurable' experiences.
Two scientists, one from the University of Paisley in England and the other from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich calculated prolactin levels in both men and women as they watched adult films and masturbated or had intercourse to the point of sexual release.
Prolactin levels in blood were reportedly 400 percent higher in both men and women after orgasm with intercourse as opposed to masturbation alone. The scientists concluded that reaching orgasm with a partner is more fulfilling than without one.
They also touched upon a link between the elevated levels of prolactin to erectile dysfunction; this link could shed light on the reason why men need a recovery time after ejaculation.
ummmmmmmmmmmm DUH?!

They also touched upon a link between the elevated levels of prolactin to erectile dysfunction; this link could shed light on the reason why men need a recovery time after ejaculation.
It did create a good excuse though, so maybe it wasn't all for naught.
Who says you're always "satisfied" though. I had a partner that can barely satisfy me at all. In two years of a relationship, I can say that I was satisfied maybe twice, and that's pushing it.
Uki Chick said:
Who says you're always "satisfied" though. I had a partner that can barely satisfy me at all. In two years of a relationship, I can say that I was satisfied maybe twice, and that's pushing it.

article said:
The scientists concluded that reaching orgasm with a partner is more fulfilling than without one.

First, I don't think there's ever been a study where 100% of the results pointed towards the same conclusion...there are always exceptions to everything...but if you weren't satisfied chances are you weren't reaching orgasm and that situation wasn't addressed in this study, also, even if a small number of people are more satisfied after getting themselves off than if a partner gets them off during sex that doesn't make this study any less valid.
I would have participated too. :D

...and chicks wonder why guys want sex instead of a self-stimulation session...
Inkara1 said:
I would have participated too. :D

...and chicks wonder why guys want sex instead of a self-stimulation session...

What chicks wonder that?? You're dating the wrong chicks me thinks.