Out-freaking-standing OTC member
The head of a major Hispanic advocacy group criticized the Bush administration Tuesday, saying it has neglected issues important to the nation’s largest minority group.
“He came into office raising a lot of expectations, with a lot of promises,” Raul Yzaguirre, president of the National Council of La Raza, said in a teleconference with reporters. “Since then, it seems as though the ultra right wing has taken over. He hasn’t respected our vote.”
Yzaguirre said there is a gap between “the enormous amount of money spent by President Bush to get our vote, to do some very sophisticated ads, to do the photo ops,” and actual policies he has enacted that are meaningful to Hispanics.
While Democrats have also received Hispanic votes without delivering much change, “we can’t hold them accountable for things they can’t do because they’re not in the majority in either House, nor do they control the White House,” Yzaguirre said.
At NCLR’s annual conference last week, Yzaguirre said the tax cuts backed by the president were tilted toward the wealthy, excluding millions of Hispanic families. He also faulted the president for not providing enough funding for education and failing to come up with solutions for large numbers of Hispanics without health insurance, Yzaguirre said.
“The actual acts of this administration ... indicate this is not a compassionate administration,” Yzaguirre said Tuesday.
Funny thing is...once elected into office, nobody cares about minorities until the next election, when they flood the area with 'feel good' programs that make the voter forget the faults of their previous years...