Now I remember...


Staff member
...why I don't buy tic tacs. Especially orange ones...

I can not stop eatting them once I start! A pack lasts me like 20min! ACK!
You mean all in your mouth at once? I could do that too. I can fit my fist in my mouth.
I didn;t eat breakfast this morning. Well, unless you consider a pack of tic tacs breakfast...
tic tacs are too soft for me, i like stuff that is so strong that makes me shed tears :D
mmmm yummy :anibang: (gotta love these random smileys). Try eating a whole pack of wrigleys thin ice... HOOOOT!
Is that my fault cus I told you about my individually wrapped tic tacs? ;)

Spearmint ones are good too. Yes, I only bought them because they're green but then I found out they tasted good also. :)
nah, they were an impulse purchase yesterday. well, actually, i didn't wanna just buy what I was buying so I bought some tictacs too (didn't wanna seem like a weirdo)
Ok then porn viewing (and re-enactment) aids

You have to be the first girly I've heard/seen/read admit that they would get pron for themselves :hairbang: go NIx
Nix, thanks for the karma :)

If you go to google image search and type in tic tac, it's the second pic from the left. I can't link it for you because the website is blocked at work.