Now religious statements are hate crimes...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
:rolleyes: This woman is completely off her rocker, and I'm surprised she got any press at all...

Anyway, this is her story, followed by other absurdities that show the limitations and erosion of our rights
Shit, Gato, this is nothing new. Anyone wanting to bitch and whine can find a reason, and justification under your consistution. That's one of my biggest bugbears about the States.
Professur said:
Shit, Gato, this is nothing new. Anyone wanting to bitch and whine can find a reason, and justification under your consistution. That's one of my biggest bugbears about the States.
It's not the's the people. It's been slowly grinding away for some time, and, now with the me, me, me generation coming into it's own, it'll only get worse...
I've said it before, but if you're an atheist (and I have been for a very long time) why do you care? It's a meaningless statement. It's the United States of the Offended, and most of them can fuck off.
Gato_Solo said:
It's not the's the people. It's been slowly grinding away for some time, and, now with the me, me, me generation coming into it's own, it'll only get worse...

I beg your pardon, Gato, but it is because of your constitution.That's what gives them the ground to stand on.That little bit of poorly written paper that declared that everyone has every right to everything. Every time i read a story like this, I picture your founding fathers spinning in their graves at the attrocities comitted in their name. Jesus has company, my friend.
She has a point. She expressed it. :shrug: The reason it got ink is because the case its connected to has drawn some interest...
Squiggy said:
She has a point. She expressed it. :shrug: The reason it got ink is because the case its connected to has drawn some interest...

So what, exactly, was her point? Get rid of the phrase Under God from the pledge. She does have a right to express that view, but linking it to hate speech is ridiculous. If she wanted to eliminate the phrase from the pledge, she should've just come out and say so. She'd have gotten more credibility, IMO... :shrug:
:confuse3: If you read her argument, the phrase never should have been added because it was adopted for what would now be considered a hate crime. It unfairly paints aetheists as the enemy....You seem to be running through the forum claiming everyone is eroding your rights and the whole time you are trying to squash the rights of others...
Sorry, Squiggs, but people like this are just looking for a reason to be offended.
Shes not. Shes putting forth a legal argument for the case. This 'bit' of it may seem a stretch to most, but its a valid argument.
Ill stick with it never should have been added. offensive? shit if you said under Cthulhu Im sure many would be offended. if you said under Allah others would be offended.
I do believe in god even though I am not religeous and I agree that if this is to be a nation with seperation of church and state then we need to take god off the money and out of the pledge.

I once knew a kid who got beaten down at a football game locally for not standing during the anthem. This country is supposed to guarantee him such freedoms.

Don't forget though how much hate and violence is and has been and will be perpetuated by someones misguided perception of the will of god. Thats why we had the crusades among other things.....God has also brought us jihad.
Squiggy said:
Shes not. Shes putting forth a legal argument for the case. This 'bit' of it may seem a stretch to most, but its a valid argument.

The whole business is a valid argument, Squiggy. I just find it a non-issue. I don't care if you want to invoke god in everything you do, just as long as I'm not required to. Students are not (at least by law) required to recite the pledge. If peer pressure is so great that they feel they must, that is a discipline problem, not a religious one. Oh, and as far as I can tell, all religions are predicated on hate crimes against other beliefs. I think it's part of the standard dogma for founding one.
well kill the infedels is pretty standard wouldnt you say Chcr? Although Id say the discipline problem isnt so much the peer pressure so much as it is the fact they beat someone up.
Squiggy said:
:confuse3: If you read her argument, the phrase never should have been added because it was adopted for what would now be considered a hate crime. It unfairly paints aetheists as the enemy....You seem to be running through the forum claiming everyone is eroding your rights and the whole time you are trying to squash the rights of others...

And I'm surprised at you, Squiggy. Where did I say that she doesn't have the right to put forth her suit? I didn't. As for unfairly painting atheist, where did I say that atheists don't have rights? I didn't. If you can find a serious post where I said that...any serious post...then I'll apologize to every atheist here, and no longer post on this forum. If you can't then I suggest you re-read that post I put up there, and, if you have questions about what I meant, ask for clarification. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
:rolleyes: This woman is completely off her rocker, and I'm surprised she got any press at all...

Anyway, this is her story, followed by other absurdities that show the limitations and erosion of our rights

I think it ought to be removed. It wasn't part of the Pledge until the 50's & was included for some awfully goofy reasons. I have a whole long thread about this particlar issue at Xibase, if I can dig it up.

A hate crime? Now this woman has gone & gotten herself awfully goofy.
Squiggy said:
It must be me...but I see the point she is arguing. :confuse3:
So do I.

It seems she's only using those tools that are available to her at this time. Love it or hate it, she's playing by the rules already in place. :shrug:
I can but I dont think religion is based on hate. the problem is that it can cause hate and thus hate crimes. as far as the saying: as Gonz said it shouldnt have been added.

Gato I dont think you ever said anything about atheists not having rights. just that you dont agree with them if I recall