Now that I'm unemployed


molṑn labé
Staff member
Maybe I can get me some of the good life.

My wifes story from the Wal-Mart today.

Couple in front of her at checkout, arguing over who had the car keys, otherwise she wouln't have noticed. Turns out he had them, just as she loudly stated several times. They paid for the groceries using a FoodStamp card. (how did she know...she's seen them by the buttload around here, they're unique) She paid for ours (debit card, from our money) & strepped outside. The loud couple...on welfare...

Having a Wal Mart employee put a huge PLASMA television into the back of a brand new Cadillac Escalade.

Just another in a long line of entitlements gone bad.
But revenge shall be ours; plasma TVs have a tendency towards burn-in after a few years.
Get used to it. As long as the bleeding heart Democrats continue their agenda to keep every welfare family possible chained to the system, it'll only get worse. God forbid we should live in a society that valued things like work, honesty, and foresight. God forbid. Instead, we prefer to take the money away from those who worked to earn it and stuff it in the pockets of the minority percentage of people who make babies to get raises and wouldn't know a day's work if it bit them on the ass.

[SnP mixing another batch of mortar for the hermit bunker]
You think its bad there? You should live here, not working is a career move. I was in the tax office last year getting back some over paid tax, whilst leafing through a few leaflets I saw a pie chart. It showed that the income tax bill was the same as the benefits expenditure. God I love paying for these idle people.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Get used to it.

Fuck NO! I will see it & bitch about it. I will hear about it & spread the truth. I would run for office but people are scared they might have to pony up for their own deeds & that scares the hell out of everyone.

Get used to it my ass. ;)
The main problem I can see "firsthand" with the system, is they have
made so that is doesn't pay to try.
If I make some money, and turn in the results, up to a certain amount, it
comes back out of my check. (it'd be like I'm working for nothing)
If I somehow got a regular job, and my benefits stopped, and them a week or 2
later I have some bad days and can't work, get fired, then it's very doubtful
that even with a good lawyer I couldn't get my benefits back.
I then could probably make a little money, but nowhere near enough to live on.
If they would raise the amount of money one could make without it affecting
their benefits, to the amount being drawn, it would be worth trying to get out of the rut.

The other main problem, and what (gonz) I think is mainly addressing is, and I've
seen it too, ...
There are people out there Really taking advantage of the system.
When I go in for my quarterly updates, I could tell them anything just about,
and they don't really check it out.
Then there's the illegal alien part. I'm not even a tax payer anymore, (except when I buy something)
and burns me to see what's happening in that dept.
It's your blood pressure, pal.

Right is right, and this ain't right. You're preaching to the choir here. But unless and until 80% or more of the populace gets pissed off enough to make sufficient racket, it ain't changin' and you know it.
yep, I believe if they got a grip on welfair, foodstamps, and a few other
programs, it would more than pay for the SS problem.
catocom said:
yep, I believe if they got a grip on welfair, foodstamps, and a few other
programs, it would more than pay for the SS problem.

Probably the deficit too.
SSI is simply another part of the problem.
Take a look at the 2.75 trillion dollar federal budget
take out the .475 for defense and realize just how
much of it is "welfare'" or more accurately
"income re-distribution"

Communism don’t werk and that’s that!

Oh then you’d have to look at the State budgets
Ala the peoples Republic of California!

Gimme mah free shit!
Get the feds out of schooling, feeding, housing & retirement & our federal tax rate would be 0.5%