Now, THAT'S classy!


Staff member
So, I'm sitting here at 10am drinking A&W RootBeer out of a wine glass in a tank top and my hipsters. Nothing says classy like that!!

I need to do dishes and groceries in a BAD way!!

So, what have you done that is very "classy"? :D
I just let the Bell guy into my neighbour's apartment and sat with him for an hour in my big ole flannel pj's with (coffee cups printed all over) clutching my coffee.

I suppose I should have made the effort to get dressed. :gmorning:
unclehobart said:
Telephone company guy. Someone has to be there to let them in and remain there the entire time they're in the home or they won't stay.

Since then, I've sat and emptied out the vacuum bag to resuse it cause it was the last one. Now that's class. :(
I watched my neighbor walk down to the curb and get his paper in only his scivvies. Made me grin, because my Dad used to do the same thing when I was a kid. My mom would bitch about what the neighbors would think, and Dad was like "Aw, screw 'em.".
Yeah... I regularly take out the rubbish in my underclothes.... drives the BF nuts. :lloyd: As far as classiest thing I've ever done? Well, I have this really bad habit of burping real loud in the restaurant.... That count?
Nixy said:
So, what have you done that is very "classy"? :D
I try to be as honest as possible, and stick to my morals.
That's about as classy as I get these day. After all I am a self proclaimed RedNeck. :lloyd:
I was at McDonald's, and I farted. When the gas bubble hit the fiberglass bench, it went "bam."
i go to the mailbox in my boxers or in one of robs tee shirts. i figure this might offend the sensibilities of the neighbors...but it's good for 'em, keeps 'em on their toes.
catocom said:
I'm thinking I might take my 3rd shower this year...tommarrow.

No need to be hasty. Especially since I don't live anywhere near you.
I'm sure I've done some great stuff...

Gargled with soda
Washed hair with hand soap (usually at a cheap hotel)
Bite my toenails
Answer the door in my underwear
Used a cable box as a light switch, and used my foot to turn it on/off
Found a use for a pillow while on the toilet (already explained elsewhere)
I was on the living room with an ex, and were fooling around, and I started to 'spank her', and call her 'bad girl, bad girl', and she was like 'ohhh ohh ahhh ahhh', and then I heard her mother's footsteps.