Now that's cool.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
If you click on the number of posts in a thread, it opens a window telling you how many posts each member had. Pretty cool.

Side note, the post count for the 10k post thread is off somehow. It was showing 6002, but in the thread the highest number is 6003. Went back to forum page and refreshed and it still said 6002. :confuse3:
PuterTutor said:
If you click on the number of posts in a thread, it opens a window telling you how many posts each member had. Pretty cool.

Side note, the post count for the 10k post thread is off somehow. It was showing 6002, but in the thread the highest number is 6003. Went back to forum page and refreshed and it still said 6002. :confuse3:
The post count number in the corner of each post (the one saying #xx) is the post number. The reply count on the forum page is the reply count. E.g. a new thread has 0 replies, but 1 post.