Now, that's FUNNY!


New Member
After repeated warnings, building management had a towing company come in and sweep out a bunch of offenders from the 2-hour visitor slots. You should've seen all the folks (mostly employees of tenants - fuckers take up these slots all day) run down in a big herd and move their cars. Hilarious.

One guy had to shell out a buttload of cash to get the guy to take his car back off the towtruck and let him move it. BWA-HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!
Heh that's great. Payback.

There's a 7-11 down the block that's right next to a senior center. The 7-11 didn't build a big enough parking lot so people would park in the senior center lot.

They put up signs for weeks and no one heeded it because they were only running in to the store quick. But one day they hired 2 tow trucks for the whole day to sit in the parking lot. People got the idea really quick. :D
Certainly you did not specify at all.

ya being that this is at work it is even more sad!
I had this little thing with my cross-the-street neighbor; he would park along the front of my house instead of his own... god knows why. He has just as much frontage as I. I think he just liked pulling up to a stop without turning around as he came home instead of driving one more block down the road to the culdesac to turn around and position himself on his own property... which he would have to do in the morning to leave.

I had to leave him a little note exclaiming my displeasure.
At which point he stopped doin' that
like a regular hoo-man bean would do Right?
I think the note might have mentionned the crazy foreigners coming to deal with him if he didn't.
The police department at Fresno State would come by the 30-minute parking spaces every halrf hour and mark the treads of the cars' tires with chalk. When they'd come back to mark the new set of cars, every car that had the old makr got a ticket. If you got five unpaid tickets, they'd put a big bright orange boot on the front wheel of the car that made it undrivable and put a hard-to-remove sticket on the window informing the driver that he or she had until 9 p.m. to pay the ticket or the car would be towed (sounds like a job for Angle Grinder Man).
Is it hard to designate a handicap parking space in a dirt lot in front of the general store?
Not really. Just put a sign up that says, "Reserved for Fred" and that usually does the trick. We all know who it's for, and if a flatlander parks his Beamer there when Fred pulls in we have ways of dealing with that too.
Inkara1 said:
The police department at Fresno State would come by the 30-minute parking spaces every halrf hour and mark the treads of the cars' tires with chalk. When they'd come back to mark the new set of cars, every car that had the old makr got a ticket. If you got five unpaid tickets, they'd put a big bright orange boot on the front wheel of the car that made it undrivable and put a hard-to-remove sticket on the window informing the driver that he or she had until 9 p.m. to pay the ticket or the car would be towed (sounds like a job for Angle Grinder Man).

The chalk the tires here too...all the roads near the school are one hour parking...then two hour as you get further away...I'm only an 8min bus ride but we've got all day and all night street parking's foreign to me as in Brampton you can't park overnight without calling the city so they know (obviously you have to have a valid you driveway just got repaved...your inlaws are staying the night...etc...) or you get a ticket. If you get drunk after the office closes and you put a note on the car saying "To drunk to drive, took a cab" then they don't give a ticket either (or atleast everytime I heard of people doing that they didn't get one).
Yeah, they chalk the tires of the cars on the street right outside my work too, only thing is that when our receptionist sees em doing it, she either announces it on the PA or sends out a building wide email letting us know. SO, they all go do the shuffle and re-arrange their cars. That is, the first one drives around the block and everyone else moves up a slot.
PT said:
Yeah, they chalk the tires of the cars on the street right outside my work too, only thing is that when our receptionist sees em doing it, she either announces it on the PA or sends out a building wide email letting us know. SO, they all go do the shuffle and re-arrange their cars. That is, the first one drives around the block and everyone else moves up a slot.

haha I love it!

What if she misses it though?
The grapevine was doing double time here, too. Every single fuck-nut that went down to rectify his illegally parked car had a cell phone jammed in his ear, thanking the person who called to bail his sorry ass out.