Gonz said:
Cool, confident & has the right answers at the debate.
Kerry seemed to be angry from the get go.
I have watched all debates on CSPAN2. There is no commentary before the debate and an actual 2 minute silence before it. Gives one a chance to discard the talking heads and collect ones serenity to have an open mind and begin to listen clearly. I don't listen to post debate chatter on cable news but instead check the facts of what was said on the internet.
Check the facts yourself against the rhetoric these are just the ones that had some invalid or shadowed nature. For more detailed Claim vs. Fact go
The debate in its entirety (real player) can be found at
this link
A transcript can be found
Bush tried to be intimidating and ended up looking like he was cornered and agitated. He was impatient in his turn to reply to the issues. His demeanor was disgusting and cocky. Some say Kerry was more aggressive than they would like, I say he needs to be more aggressive (but then again I would). I again saw Bush, a puppet of big business and religious right radicals, spewing forth canned answers that cater to the rich, corporate greed, insurance money, logging companies, oil barons, politically ignorant and "patriotic" huddling and scared masses. Bush's rich boy frustration at being called out on his failed policies and lies only indicated to me someone unfit to lead our country as a civilized and unprejudiced commander. His twitching, blinking and cocky bully walk was disturbing at least.
Kerry was ever patient, stewardly and poised in his manner. He talked to the people that asked the questions, even replying to them by name some time later and also to the President himself. Granted there was some canned rhetoric from Kerry, but his manner illustrated someone in complete control of his faculties who has a firm grasp on the issues at hand and has the willingness to stand toe to toe with Bush and hash it out. Kerry brought up valid references to Bush's own words 4 years ago and Bush's failure to live up to is promises. I see courage and conviction in Kerry. It is hard not to imagine him as a President that would be respected by many.
He also brought up a frightening quote that is being brought into reality: "A few years ago when he came to office, the president said -- these are his words -- "What we need are some good conservative judges on the courts." This one he has started to accomplish. If reelected he will put backward facing radical conservative judges in place of retiring judges who have no respect for civil rights. This cannot be allowed kids.
Bush can spew all the patriotic slogans and beat his chest all he wants. His record shows an irresponsible cabinet that has and will only continue to bring America down in every conceivable measure.
I now feel that regardless of who is elected there will be a draft. I can see it and the numbers add up for the mill to grind.
They both talked of Iran & North Korea. We are overextended already in the current theatres of occupation and suppression. How does anyone think we can handle the need for additional troops not only in Iraq, but in other parts of the world?
When asked what mistakes he has made Bush mentioned the 3 big ones and tried to discredit them instead of saying they were actual mistakes.
"That's really what you're -- when they ask about the mistakes, that's what they're talking about. They're trying to say, "Did you make a mistake going into Iraq?" And the answer is, "Absolutely not." It was the right decision.
The Duelfer report confirmed that decision today, because what Saddam Hussein was doing was trying to get rid of sanctions so he could reconstitute a weapons program. And the biggest threat facing America is terrorists with weapons of mass destruction.
We knew he hated us. We knew he'd been -- invaded other countries. We knew he tortured his own people.
On the tax cut, it's a big decision. I did the right decision. Our recession was one of the shallowest in modern history.
Now, you asked what mistakes. I made some mistakes in appointing people, but I'm not going to name them. I don't want to hurt their feelings on national TV."
The Duelfer report proved that we should not have went to war with Iraq and the President and his cabinet lied about WMD. Bush actually laid out 3 reasons why he has failed our people.
This Debate was supposed to be about domestic issues. Since the War is eating (no devouring) our federal budget I guess bringing it into the debate last night was permissible. It allowed less talk about the important issues here and more rhetoric on who is the tougher guy. The problem with saying "under wartime conditions. I want Bush in office!" is that Bush started this war under false pretenses, so the Duelfer report proves. So you are saying you would support Bush as a wartime president, even though 1. He started a personal war that has hurt our standing in the international community, 2. It is eating our federal budget to the point of fiscal deterioration worse than any other war or president’s term has ever done, 3. Deceptions, failures and a continuous act of covering up this treacherous leadership are occurring, 4. Even the Presidents cabinet is starting to admit the corruption and deceit, 5. This same personal war has increased the number of angry Muslims willing to join these terrorist armies, 6. The President has no concept of how his actions perpetuate this cycle of hate. You can honestly say that you support this bumbling puppet? As soon as the towers fell we had the sympathy of the entire world. We had a plan to get Osama Bin Laden. We had the backing in this one effort. We now have no honor, no Osama and no sympathy for our plight. These FACTS are due to the BUSH administration and their white hat cowboy policy.
As with the situation in Iraq, President Bush continues to ignore reality on jobs and the economy here at home. The Labor Department reported today that only 96,000 new jobs were created in September – far less than expected and well below what is necessary to keep up with population changes and to erase years of job losses. The employed share of the population actually declined for the second month in a row as many Americans, disenchanted with the weak labor market, gave up looking for jobs altogether. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.4 percent in September, well above the 4.2 percent unemployment rate when Bush took office in 2001. Yet the president tells us this represents "progress."
The president's economic priorities have not worked: tax cuts for the wealthy have not produced real opportunities for the middle class. President Bush sold his trillions of dollars in tax cuts geared towards the top 2 percent of earners as a way to create jobs and increase wages for middle class workers. The results are undeniable: hundreds of thousands of lost jobs, flat wages, reduced government revenues, and soaring budget deficits.
More of the same on the economy will only make matters worse. The president and his conservative allies argue that permanently extending his tax cuts and cutting others will lead us towards economic paradise. With a $5 trillion projected budget deficit and continued job and wage stagnation, the economy can not take much more of conservatives' economic wisdom.
Nothing will change unless the president first admits economic problems exist and then corrects his policies to fit reality. The president's "optimism" on the economy won't create more jobs, raise wages, or erase massive budget deficits. He's already thrown all fiscal caution to the wind by promoting job creation through massive tax cuts for the wealthy. It has not worked. The president must face reality, restore fiscal responsibility, and pursue economic policies geared to the middle class.
Anyone that cannot see this situation in a clear light has some type of moral blinder on. The reality of the administrations time in office is that there should be criminal charges brought against a great many of them for fraud and embezzlement. A swagger and a southern drawl have no impact on fact. It is embarrassing that we have citizens that can be so delusional as to even consider voting for Bush.
I feel again that Kerry was victorious. It is not really that hard against Bush but he also has to beat the media spinners. That is the hard part.
I also have seen
this article and pictures that lead me to believe Bush is not alone on stage. He has Karl Rove in his ear to tell him what to parrot.
http://www.boston.com/news/special/politics/debate_video/sept29/5.html]Here is a portion of the first debate[/url]. It shows Bush talking to himself saying “Let me finish”. This statement, the picture of the device under his coat and an additional viewing of the debate leads me to believe Bush definitely was wired. Again I will call him a puppet. Nice website -