Now that's what I calll scary...


New Member
Does anyone else find it scary that "Now... 52" has been released, when they can remember the very first Now That's What I Call Music back in the 80s?

Remember the ads on TV - the pig with sunglasses, flying around in the biplane...?

Or am I just getting old?

i know in Europe you have big numbers in Now cds......

we are on 20 i think :D
A compilation of music hits. (like the top songs in a period of time).
Its a release of a set of popular songs by various artists on cd, called NOW and the number is the release number.
I have Top of the Pops 1[/siz]

Listening to it now is so nostalgic. It has, amongst other:

- Wake Up Boo (the boo radleys)
- Some Might Say (oasis)
- Over My Shoulder (mike and the mechanics)
- You Gotta Be (des'ree)
- Scatman (john scatman)
- Here Comes The Hotstepper (ini kamoze)
- Guaglione (perez prado - the one that was on all those adverts!!!)[/size]