Now they're gone too damn far.


Well-Known Member
Space TV, last night aired a remake of the 70's classic Battlestar Galactica.


Ok, I can take that the "best pilot in the fleet" Starbuck, is now a woman. Boomer, the sidekick black man, is now an oriental woman. The Galactica's second in command, also a black man (pushing the envelope in the '70's) is now a fat white drunkard. The ships we loved so much are now museum pieces, and the Cylons too, replaced with hulking terminator clones. Even the cool ass uniforms have been replaced with grey drab jump suits.

But that's where my acceptance ends. They've taken an attack on humanity by an alien race, and suddenly the cylons are only robots. Human built robots. Can you say Terminator rip off? Baltar, the great, greedy bad guy from the original, is now a simpering, used piece of trash. It's now man's own fault, with no bad guy in sight.


Lorne Greene must be spinning in his grave.
Crap...I forgot to watch that, got caught up in Final Fantasy X. :( Are they re-airing?

And come on prof. I watched the original BSG. Cheesy porn music to go with the cheesy dialog and re-cycled special effects, 70's hairstyles and 70 polyester clothing and bell-bottoms. Nostalgically speaking, I still love it. But a remake is a remake, and an upgrade was definately needed. Gods, I'd shoot myslf if it was "true to the original". :)
Caught it all a month ago when it came on the SciFi channel. I wasn't impressed. They seemed to lose 1/3 of their ships in the two major battles. After about 5 such battles, there won't be anything left.
I would love to watch the original again. used to be a kid when they aired the first here. I was a sick fan of it...
Ah Cam. You missed my point. I could take those changes. 'Cept the uniforms. The uniforms now are a StarTrek:Enterprise ripoff. Even the cylon ships are Sona ripoffs from Insurrection. It's the pseudo-political crap that makes me wanna vomit.
Yeah. At that point of the collapse of civilization, there should have been a military coup and the little 3rd minister of dog washng should have been pumped out into the vaccum of space.
Definately going to have to catch it now. Then I'll resurrect this thread to let you know what I thought of it, which I am *sure* you are just *dying* to hear :)
paul_valaru said:
i refuse to watch, and not just cause my wife will leave me if I do

I've encountered this type of attitude on another BBoard I'm on, as well as in e-mail. And frankly, I just don't get it. Is there a bandwagon everyone is jumping on that I'm missing??

It's a remake of a cheesy seventies, low budget sci fi TV show fer goodness sake, not a re-write of the bible where Jesus is played by a woman!

Gads, just watch it. You might like it. Or you might not. But it should stand or fall on it's own merits.

PS. Wouldn't it be mildly ironic if I absolutely hate it? :D
Surce: SciFi Wire

Galactica Options Picked Up

SCI FI Channel has officially confirmed to SCI FI Wire that the network picked up the options for the cast of its original miniseries Battlestar Galactica before they expired on Jan. 31. But the pickup did not signal any official decision about the fate of a possible Galactica series, despite rumors on the Internet to the contrary.

SCI FI said that no decision has come from the network on whether a series will be given the green light.

The Battlestar Galactica miniseries, which premiered in December, was one of the channel's highest-rated programs. Galactica, based on the original 1970s TV show, starred Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer and James Callis.

And I *still* haven't seen the mini-series :(