Now we have "Zucotti Lung"


Well-Known Member
The idiots are getting sick from sitting in their own filth and waste and wonder why they are getting sick. Some are even dying.


A Petri Dish of Activism, and Germs

Published: November 10, 2011

The chorus began quietly at a recent strategy session inside Zuccotti Park, with a single cough from a security team member, a muffled hack between puffs on his cigarette. Then a colleague followed. Then another.

Soon the discussion had devolved into a fit of wheezing, with one protester blowing his nose into the mulch between clusters of tents.

“It’s called Zuccotti lung,” said Willie Carey, 28, a demonstrator from Chapel Hill, N.C. “It’s a real thing.”

As the weather turns, the protesters in Zuccotti Park, the nexus of the Occupy Wall Street protests in Lower Manhattan, have been forced to confront a simple truth: packing themselves like sardines inside a public plaza, where cigarettes are shared and a good night’s sleep remains elusive, may not be conducive to good health.

“Pretty much everything here is a good way to get sick,” said Salvatore Cipolla, 23, from Long Island. “It’ll definitely thin the herd.”

The city’s health department said that officials had visited the park and that it would continue to monitor conditions with winter looming. “It should go without saying that lots of people sleeping outside in a park as we head toward winter is not an ideal situation for anyone’s health,” the department said in a statement.

Dr. Philip M. Tierno Jr., the director of clinical microbiology and immunology at NYU Langone Medical Center, said the conditions could leave park-dwellers susceptible to respiratory viruses; norovirus, the so-called winter vomiting virus, which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea and which could quickly overwhelm the limited bathroom facilities in the area; and tuberculosis, which is more common in indigent populations and can be spread by coughing.

Even some camping in the park have grown concerned in recent weeks with the living quarters. Damp laundry and cardboard signs, left in the rain, have provided fertile ground for mold. Some protesters urinate in bottles, or occasionally a water-cooler jug, to avoid the lines at public restrooms. Food, from orange peels to scrambled eggs, is often discarded outside tents.

“I’m amazed that in a park full of revolutionaries, there are large contingents that can’t throw away their own trash,” said Jordan McCarthy, 22, a member of the protesters’ sanitation team.

Demonstrators do maintain a medical tent, filled mostly with over-the-counter medications and alternative treatments, like herbal remedies. Some have spotted shamans (Note the first four letters are "sham" --j) walking the premises, Mr. Carey said, though licensed doctors and nurses often take volunteer shifts in the tent as well. Some strap flashlights to their heads, like workers in a mine shaft, because the site becomes so dark at night. (The tent has no electricity.)

Miniature bottles of hand sanitizer have appeared sporadically inside the park, though it is unclear who placed them there. Volunteers at the medical tent also have on-call contacts in acupuncture, chiropractics, massage therapy and psychotherapy, protesters said.

“We’re a triage clinic,” said Pauly Kostora, 27, a former licensed nurse, as he rolled the tent’s single wheelchair into a corner. “We don’t pretend to be a hospital.”

Many protesters recognize the threat the conditions could pose to the optics of their occupation. Earlier this week, a man at an Occupy New Orleans encampment was found dead in his tent — and had been dead at least two days, authorities said. If similar news were to come out of Lower Manhattan, some protesters have said quietly, the camp’s reputation could suffer significant damage.

With the winter bearing down, though, organizers have tried to prepare. The group has placed orders for large, military-style tents, capable of holding about a dozen people, (That should make for more sanitary conditions, eh? -- j) said Cynthia Villarreal, a member of the information team. The aim is to move protesters out of smaller tents and tarps and into the new constructions, which are far sturdier and warmer. (The better for mold and bacteria to grow. -- j)

A team from Union Health Center in Chelsea came on Wednesday and Thursday to administer flu shots for no charge, a welcome arrival for many sniffling protesters, although some refused vaccinations, citing a government conspiracy.

Although condoms are often available on-site, Dr. Tierno said the protest’s evolution to private tents, from sleeping out in the open, had raised the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. The site’s pounding drum circles, he added, could lead to hearing damage. He compared conditions at Zuccotti Park to those in a hajj — the pilgrimage to Mecca, in which whole groups of people have come down with respiratory infections in a short time — and those experienced by the flower children of the 1960s, when, he said, communal living situations created problems with sanitation and sexually transmitted diseases.

Ms. McCarthy, who said the month she had spent in the park was the longest amount of time she had remained in one place in two years, noted the health obstacles might be a point of pride for some demonstrators who view sickness as the product of their sacrifice. (Yes, "We are victims and of our own filthy lifestyle but we will turn it into a positive to try to make everyone else feel sorry for us." -- j) “That’s what makes an occupation such a powerful statement,” she said. “We will risk our own health and give up completely our own comfort.”

Of course, contagions may not be confined to the park population. On Wednesday evening, at the western end of the plaza, where walking paths tighten by the day and an “Occupy Paw Street” station has been assembled for protesters’ dogs, Mr. Cipolla solicited donations, shouting at passers-by through a megaphone.

“We’re the biggest tourist attraction in New York,” he said. “And we shake everyone’s hands.” (Not mine! -- j)

Anemona Hartocollis contributed reporting.
A version of this article appeared in print on November 11, 2011, on page A26 of the New York edition with the headline: A Petri Dish Of Activism, And Germs.
you don't need to live on the left coast to understand how these folks are of the vilest sort.

oh, really, they're living like goats?

no, wait, goats clean up after themselves better.

chain gangs could be a positive solution here.
<snotty>Nyah, nyah!</snotty>

There is nothing amusing about this. These people are dirty, smelly, unwashed, unkempt, lazy, good-for-nothings who want to live off of society like the leeches they are. They will get what they deserve because time wounds all heels.
They will get what they deserve because time wounds all heels.

so you are expecting your health issues to take a turn for the worse?

you know i joke about putting these fuckers on chain gangs but you're really taking them personally jim.

you're clenching again.
so you are expecting your health issues to take a turn for the worse?

All health issues take a "turn for the worse" regardless of their severity. You feel good today but less well tomorrow and then back up the next. All adds up to no big thing if the severity is muted. "My back hurts because I slept wrong." is a good example. It'll feel better tomorrow.

you know i joke about putting these fuckers on chain gangs but you're really taking them personally jim.

I take any assault on the American way of life personally. The problem with these fuckers is they believe that they believe they will be the Apparatchiks after the fall. They don't see themselves as proletariat slaves. They believe they have found Nirvana and Utopia all rolled into one big socialist paradise. The people who are gathering in these cities are the ones who will participate the most in a socialist environment. They will take all they can get while contributing nothing.
I take any assault on the American way of life personally. The problem with these fuckers is they believe that they believe they will be the Apparatchiks after the fall. They don't see themselves as proletariat slaves. They believe they have found Nirvana and Utopia all rolled into one big socialist paradise. The people who are gathering in these cities are the ones who will participate the most in a socialist environment. They will take all they can get while contributing nothing.

oh jeez man you're really taking these yogurt squirters far too seriously.

apparatchiks? um, no. proletarian slaves? no, not exactly, but you know, there is a lot of quasi-class talk going on...

if they have found their paradise, what is it? do they get there only after they spend some quality time in guyana? do you really see these lumpenproletarian fools as engaged in a chiliastic movement sorta like 19th century utopian socialism, just a whole lot dumber? what's gonna be the transportive mechanism to the holy land? a bunch of smelly fucking goat tents with skateboard wheels? and what will baron samedi think of all this (hah okay now i'm being intentionally obscure HAHAHA)?

explain this mechanistically, jim. don't just piss about a bunch of good-for-nothing shitbags.

i fail to see how they will achieve this socialist dream when their camps are being broken up and hosed down, and most people really don't seem to give a fuck. there's no outrage. other than that of the wimp legion itself... and i guess yer kinda outraged too. and some people say there's no common ground between the 'occupiers' and the tea partiers...
i fail to see how they will achieve this socialist dream when their camps are being broken up and hosed down, and most people really don't seem to give a fuck. there's no outrage. other than that of the wimp legion itself... and i guess yer kinda outraged too. and some people say there's no common ground between the 'occupiers' and the tea partiers...

The Tea Party wants government out of our lives. The Occupiers want government to be their lives. No commonality there.
there you go again with your single qualifier (or in this case disqualifier) stuff. an f-15 has fixed wings, however an f-14 has variable geometry wings. no commonality there.

but i think this is fabulous, especially given your previous grand pronouncements about muslims. sorry jim, but they're all just sooooooo different over there. you got the sunnis, and the shias, and my gosh the alawis - they're just so precious! you know, bashar al assad celebrates easter just like you!!!! you guys are practically fucking cousins!


if you don't see any similarities between the tea party and all that 'occupy' nonsense, yer just a brain-froze poopsickle.

shit, gotholic is a living example of the synthesis of the two.
The tea party and ows are the same?

yeah I'm having trouble seeing how they are the same

hep me out here Bro
"the same," obviously not.

"i did not say that!"

i simply asserted that there is some common ground. and that shiz would be...
  • they are both deeply suspicious of the moneylenders (hmmmm....)
  • they both have a notable anti-elite, bumpkinish bent
  • they both blame anyone but themselves for their problems (thus i see them as morally equivalent) and have an obvious narrative of victimization by evil forces beyond their control. this is a notable similarity.
  • neither one is able to offer anything constructive; the teabags can only spit a fearful "no to everything" from their deep, dark pit of ignorance and the occupy twits, fuck, what is this wacky shit they want? free toilet paper?
  • they both are moronically idealistic, with quasi-millenarian aspects. which means they both will be left standing naked on the dock, with lollipops up their butts, waiting for the jesus boat that will never come.
  • you're gay. i just had to throw that in. :D
how was the rest stop shindig outside tucumcari last week? did peel show up, or is he still under the weathers?

yeah the glorious american working sloth and the teat-sucking dipshit. they're turning you against one another.

but there is an answer.

ron paul.
one is more physically lazy, the other more mentally lazy... notice the strong anti-elite element in both? notice the folksy we the people bullshit in both their narratives? hmmm you think there might be some kinda class thing in there somewhere?

they do have some insight. at least enough to get the uneasy (and accurate) feeling that they will not be doing very well in the future. they will continue to be marginalized. natural born american boys gonna be no different that the shitpeasant in rural bulgaria.

i wish they wouldn't whine like stuck pigs when something gets in the way of their easy and convenient pre-scripted path through life. but that's just a petty annoyance for me....