Now your all in trouble.


Well-Known Member
I've got to get to ten thousand posts before taking
another self-imposed sabbatical. So get ready for a deluge
on inane and wholly worthless posts and threads!
In what way will these be different from the preceding several thousand posts?
I will persist in bringing you the same quality of wholly inane and completely worthless posts and threads
that you've become so dearly accustomed too.

Only at a higher velocity and with greater rapidity than ever before!

Well at least it wasn't 122?

I've been in warmer places. That doesn't impress me at all. :rolleyes:
and no one is shooting at me here
and I'm here of my own accord
and I'm not living in a tent
and I've got A/C
and most everyone speaks english!
and no one is shooting at me here
and I'm here of my own accord
and I'm not living in a tent
and I've got A/C
and most everyone speaks english!

By "most everyone" are we to assume that you mean more than half?
and no one is shooting at me here

Nobody got through the perimeter, and nobody fired a weapon...

Winky said:
and I'm here of my own accord

Not really. You are there of your parents accord.

Winky said:
and I'm not living in a tent

Might as well be, considering the rise in crime may frce you to move with grear rapidity someday...

Winky said:
and I've got A/C

So did I. Every time. Even inside my tent. :p

Winky said:
and most everyone speaks english!

:rofl4: Might as well call the US SW "Northern Mexico"...
I thought you drove a Mustang with a fuckload of miles on it... not an Accord.

true story:

before mommy met daddy, mommy dated some guy, and one night they had a fight.
as he was storming off, she called after him, "well, don't go off in a huff!"
and he said..
and no one is shooting at me here
and I'm here of my own accord
and I'm not living in a tent
and I've got A/C
and most everyone speaks english!

What abut the 7th St Hombres? The Buckeye Chicanos?

Tent? Can you say Joe Arpaio?

Que pasa homey?