Nuff said...


Changes in Budget During the Bush Years

Jan 14, 2:51 PM (ET)
By The Associated Press

Some changes in the government's fiscal condition since President Bush submitted his first budget to Congress in 2001.

_Bush's first budget projected annual surpluses from 2002 through 2011 would total $5.6 trillion, before his tax and spending proposals took effect. In its most recent projection last summer, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it expected $1.4 trillion in total deficits from 2004 through 2013 - excluding any future tax or spending changes.

_The cumulative national debt stood at $5.7 trillion when Bush took office, and his first budget proposed reducing it by $2 trillion over the next decade. Today, the debt stands at $7 trillion.

_Bush's first budget projected that in fiscal 2004 - which runs through next Sept. 30 - the government would spend $2.077 trillion. Instead it will spend $2.305 trillion, according to the latest CBO estimate.

Bush's first budget also estimated the government would raise $2.339 trillion in revenue this year. The CBO projects $1.825 trillion in revenue.

All together, the CBO has forecast a 2004 deficit of $480 billion - instead of the $262 billion surplus Bush predicted for this year in his first budget, assuming his policies were enacted.
And this is the guy running one of the most powerful countries in the really makes you stop and wonder... :alienhuh:
I simply don't like how the Bush admin is spending money like a pack of drunken sailors. Republicans are put into office because they profess a certain fiscal conservatism. Burn them all down. We need Libertarians.
Ah, but you guys have got to keep in mind that Bush is running two countries and paying for both out of your pockets.......very reassuring thought innit? Geez, makes you want to run out and vote him right back into office again dunnit?