NYC Recruiting Station Bombed


Well-Known Member

A Times Square military recruiting station was shaken by a bomb early Thursday morning. No one was hurt in the blast. Looks like the anti-military faction has cranked it up a notch.

....a single, small improvised device was tossed, apparently by a man on a bike....The recruiting station, located on a traffic island surrounded by Broadway theaters and chain restaurants, has occasionally been the site of anti-war demonstrations, ranging from silent vigils to loud rallies.
Perhaps the Weather Underground is back? Ask Obamma, his buddy is an unapologetic member.
Or mebbe a device from Booosh to keep the threat of terrorism fresh in people's minds. :p
Sorry. I just read this.

WASHINGTON — Police are investigating letters that arrived Thursday at Capitol Hill offices containing a photo of the Times Square military recruiting office before it was bombed and including the claim "We Did It."

The manila envelopes contained a photo of a man standing in front of the recruiting station, according to a Democratic aide who spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is under investigation. The photo was the kind commonly sent as a holiday greeting card.

Funny how most of the letters wound up in Democrat hands, innit? I can't say all because all the letters haven't been turned in AFAIK...
Oh, more thing. Looks like this is just another 'turn of the screw' for anti-war zealots. The one thing they forget, in all their hysteria, is that "Freedom Isn't Free". It is bought, and paid for, by the very people they target. The real faces behind any war are found in the Legislative and Executive offices of the Federal Government.
When does it become some OTHER city's turn? For fucks sake, hasn't NYC been through enough? :mad4:

Who the fuck is "WE"! It doesn't seem as opportunistic since they did it at a time where there were very little people around.
Funny how most of the letters wound up in Democrat hands, innit?

If they were in Republican hands the dims would be frothing at the mouth to hold some serious Congressional investigations......

Where have all the flowers-in-rifle-barrels gone?

Bringing the war home, a hooded bicyclist bombed the Times Square Armed Forces recruiting station this morning. There has been no statement regarding this thus far, and perhaps there will not be, although in this case, perhaps the medium is the message.

Unlike the bombs the US Armed Forces drops on brown people around the world, this bomb hurt no one. It just makes our Keystone Kops and the "FBI New York Joint Terrorism Task Force" look silly, incompetent and impotent. The boys in blue will be scratching their heads and downing their donuts trying to crack this caper for some time to come I'm sure.
When does it become some OTHER city's turn? For fucks sake, hasn't NYC been through enough? :mad4:

They always go after targets that would make the most impact. And since NYC is the biggest city in the US, they just pick it.

If this had happened in a small town in Montana, it probably wouldn't make it to the news.
Liberal irresponsibility has its' consequences. Tell lies enough times and eventually the teched in th' head will believe it.
Could this be a reason so many idiots have become bolder as well?

A California judge rejected a foster teen's request for early enlistment with the Marine Corps — and a $10,000 signing bonus — reportedly on the grounds that the judge didn't approve of the Iraq war.

Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Marilyn Mackel denied 17-year-old Shawn Sage's request to join the military last October, according to a report in the Los Angeles Daily News.

"The judge said she didn't support the Iraq war for any reason we're over there," Marine recruiter Sgt. Guillermo Medrano of the Simi Valley U.S. Marine Corps recruiting office told the paper.

"She just said all recruiters were the same — that they 'all tap dance and tell me what I want to hear.' She said she didn't want him to fight in it."

While it may be in her rights to deny the request, for now, one has to remember that a 17 year old would not be able to join if the parents said 'no'.
Hey, Spike....then current administration has less than a year. Quit worrying yourself, it's almost over.