Obama channels Biden ... again


Well-Known Member
How many time can this guy step on his own dick in a two day period?

Now he accuses doctors of taking out tonsils to make a profit.


July 22, 2009
Obama: Doctors Taking Tonsils Out For Money Instead Of Diagnosing It As Allergies

AP: In trying to rally support for health care overhaul, Obama described a patient who sees a physician for a sore throat, or a parent who brings in a child with a sore throat.

"Right now, doctors a lot of times are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. ... The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, 'You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out,'" Obama told a prime-time news conference. The president added: "Now, that may be the right thing to do, but I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change; maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something else that would make a difference."
Makes a good point. One of the downfalls of for-profit healthcare. :thumbup:

You show your ignorance once again. They wouldn't have to make great profits if it weren't for all of the specious lawsuits hoisted by shyster lawyers that drive up the cost of doing business. The Congress, made up mainly of lawyers, refuses to address tort reform. Gee, I wonder why.

You need to study up on the true reasons that medical care costs have risen to the levels they have; and it has nothing to do with greedy doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. Most of the costs realized by those entities are for malpractice insurance which has been driven by lawyers, not doctors.

If you want to blame someone of greed then blame the lawyers and their clients.
Makes a good point. One of the downfalls of for-profit healthcare. :thumbup:

Um, are you fucking serious??? You seriously suggest that a doctor that might make a diagnosis and surgery ... like an auto mechanic?

And yet you don't think there'll be a shortage of doctors when Obamacare locks them out of those profits?

And it wouldn't just be a better choice to just jail these fuckers, pull their medical license, and rip their own tonsils out?

You seriously think that Obamacare is the solution to this???

Frankly, if Obama has proof of this, he needs to get it into the hands of his Attorney General and take legal action. Not that I believe for a second that he might. Or that it actually happens with any regularity. Or that Obamacare would have the slightest effect on it happening. If a for profit insurance knew of this, they'd be the first to assrape the doctor.

Spike, ....

never mind.

You forgot to let insurance companies of the hook.

The insurance companies have to try to keep their heads above water also as costs of torts increase. Greedy lawyers coupled with juries made up of jurors who have been brainwashed into class envy and hatred for anyone successful have driven tort awards to astronomical heights.

Do you truly believe that the award of $109 million dollars for one person killed in a GM vehicle was justified?

These same insurance companies are trying to keep up with insuring doctors against ever increasing awards. You believe that they should just charge less, accept the losses, and go out of business.

You are one of the people that I am speaking of. You are seething with class envy and hatred of those who have succeeded. You wish they would all go out of business because you thing they deserve to go out of business.
You believe that they should just charge less, accept the losses, and go out of business.

You are one of the people that I am speaking of. You are seething with class envy and hatred of those who have succeeded. You wish they would all go out of business because you thing they deserve to go out of business.

Jim, why is it so often that you completely make up a position for me out of thin air and then try to argue against the things I did not say?

Is it completely impossible for you to have any kind of reality based debate?