Obama Flips Off McCain


Well-Known Member


"At the end of this race, I want to congratulate John McCain on the tough race that he fought"

Obama flips McCain the bird, he flips Hillary! the bird, he called Sarah Palin a pig on national t.v., and he wants to flip America the bird.
i hope he did flip off that angry little shitbag that has acted like the world owed him the presidency.

sorry, poopshit, but "this one" is gonna clean your sad little clock.
That's twice he's done that. A little childish don't you think?
Kinda like the '4 more years of Bush' mantra clung to by the left...anyway...he was obviously just scratching something...chancre, maybe?

More like trying to present the incumbent party as the party of "change." :lol2:
Figures you'd think this was a real thing.

McCain is trying to give the finger to the American public though.