Obama -- I'm the fourth best president in history


Well-Known Member
He thinks he is the fourth best president ever. What a narcissist he is. By the by, "60 Minutes" edited out that line at the end of the interview.

I see the direct correlation between Jim's means of making a living
and the worst President the United States has ever had?
If his goal was to preside over the death of the Republic
then I will have to admit he has been wildly successful.

If FDR's policies started the trend towards socialism
and LBJ's great society accelerated it then
Obamacare put the final nail in the coffin of
a nation being governed as a Republic.
Obama savior to mankind

So now pissing and moaning is a Federal crime?

"what's next"?
"what's next"?
"what's next"?!?
is being the fourth best president better or worse than being a second-tier grocery checker?

Yes. I am at least efficient, accurate, and I know my job. I make a profit for the company for which I work instead of draining the coffers. My customers leave the store happy while Obama's "customers" leave their money to be recklessly spent and wasted.

So, yes, it is far better to be a "second tier" (whatever that is) cashier than a failed blowhard. 2012 will see me out.

By the way, I am now a floor associate in Sporting Goods and Service Writer in TLE so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
sweet dude! maybe you'll eventually get your dream job in the refrigerated section stocking the giant wall of hot dogs!
Obama The best president in history

For the left he will go down in history as one of the best.

It may have been on Ronnie's watch that the cold war ended
but it was on Hussein's that the long march truly turned the corner.