Obama indoctrination school songs up to eleven


Well-Known Member
There are now eleven examples of school children singing the praises of our dict ... um ... I mean ... president.

Click below for videos, lyrics, and transcripts.

Sweet! I thought it was cute when they sang about other presidents too.

Got any videos, lyrics, or transcripts on that? Show me where the actual name of the president is mentioned in the song. Lincoln is not mentioned in the Battle Hymn of the Republic so don't try going there.
the dictator that was put into office by a majority of the people. right jim.

Actually ... no.


Nevertheless, between 126.5 million and 128.5 million Americans cast ballots this year, according to a report by the electorate study center. Successful Democratic get-out-the-vote initiatives contributed to that number, which shattered 2004's mark of 122.2 million.

Since there are an estimated ~307,000,000 people in the United States, and 50% + 1 -- or ~153,500,001 -- is required for a majority, 128.5 million does not qualify as a majority of the people.

Now it is true that Obama received 52.9%, or 69,456,897 of all votes cast, but that still only means he "was put into office by a majority" of the registered voters who voted He was still not "put into office by a majority of the people".

I concede that you are correct that there actually was a song which mentions Bush by name but your post said "I thought it was cute when they sang about other presidents [plural] too." Ya got any others to make that plural two or more?

Also, this thank you song ...

Our country's stood beside us People have sent us aid. Katrina could not stop us, our hopes will never fade. Congress, Bush and FEMA People across our land Together have come to rebuild us and we join them hand-in-hand!

hardly qualifies as being as egregious in its praise of the president as the lyrics cited below.

Change we can believe in
Change that makes a difference
Together we can change the world
Tell every man and woman, every boy and girl


We’re here to tell you about the man. His name is Barack Obama he’s the leader of this land. He was born in Hawaii then he lived in Illinois. His father moved to Africa when he was a little boy. He got into some trouble when he was 17 and he has come clean now he’s [unintelligible] people [unintelligible] He fights for civil rights and better health care. He wants to make sure that we all will have care. He’s [unintelligible] reform [unintelligible] he’s very educated and he’s got a lot of rhythm. First black President with a heart that’s only true, he wants to make the world better for me and you. At Chicago University he used to be a teacher, [unintelligible] At the Democratic National Convention, the name Barack Obama became [unintelligible].

He was born, in August of 1961. In 2008 for President, He won. We have a new President, Barack is the President. He’s a pioneer. You can check the evidence. He’s African-American. The first black President. Now he’s in the white house. The 44th President. His campaign slogan was “Yes We Can” He’s a Democrat. He’s the man with the plan. There is a special book that was written by Obama. It’s Dreams from My Father, not Dreams from your Momma. [unintelligible] [laughter] [unintelligible] He’s running our country. [unintelligible] great power. [unintelligible] He ran against McCain. Now he’s our President we’re ready to make a change.

He attended Columbia U in ’82. He married Michelle in 1992. He’s English, he’s Irish, [unintelligible], he’s a modern Martin Luther who was also a great man. [unintelligible] Obama’s going down as the first in history. [unintelligible] about war and that is really great. He’s known around the world – come on let’s celebrate.


We believe in Barack Obama
He loves you and he loves your mama
We believe in Barack Obama, yeah
With all the change he’s building
Gonna bring hope to the children
We believe in Barack Obama, yeah


Chicago Illinois was so hype
Moving so strong
Biden joined the fight
Now we are a team and we ignite!

Now I crash through walls,
Cut through floors,
Burst through ceilings
Knock down doors.

He is George
And I’m Turan
We’re never far behind
In class we shine
For every living person
With dreams and plans


Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

He’ll bring us all together
And work hard every day
To make our nation better
And keep our people safe
well jim, the ones that didn't vote don't really count now do they? and that's not really the point anyway - he was elected in a fair and democratic way.

oh, right, the media got him elected, and it was all so unfair how we were misled! :retard4:
my theory is that it was high gas prices that got him elected.
it's why he was doing that kneeling thing to the king:devious:
No flashy outfits required, uniforms will be provided at your local high schoo.

They are only asking for 12 hr/wk from our youths.


What progressive thinking

Obamas lost his mojo Yo!

Has the magic done wore off our Negro?
Aunt Jemima say it ain't so!

Osama be all up in dah schoolhouse.

Iz dat be one of dem racist commercials?
I din see no 1.3 Negro peoples up in dare.
Kill Whitey Kill Whitey.