Obama orders elitist condiment

The right has gone completely insane and Hannity is their king.

Glenn Beck is evidently their fool. ;)
It's all about this stuff!

I'm more perturbed by his asking for it med-well. *handonhip

A steak or a prime rib perhaps, but if you eat a medium rare burger you are taking your life into your own hands! Have you not heard of e coli? Many restaurants in this country will not serve ground beef below medium well, with good reason!
Anything more cooked than medium rare becomes shoe leather & needs to be criminal.

E coli...isn't that the Swine flu, only less problematic?
I don't care much for ketchup either. Around here, they'll put it on unless you tell them not to.
I'm more perturbed by his asking for it med-well. *handonhip

no shit.

but this should serve to quell the fears of the numbskulls that keep trying to suggest he's some kind of lousy foreigner. he's obviously completely acculturated to the vile US midwestern tradition of cooking the living fuck out of things.