obama says no to releasing prisoner abuse photos


this is shocking, considering that obama hates america, her soliders, and wants us to lose wars.

really don't understand why he's not siding with his commie ACLU overlords on this one...
we're gonna see a lot of the condemnation of bush polices continuing.
Get use to it.
If they prosecute bush, they'll have to out themselves as well, so you will
see more and more how not many in gov. period, give a crap about the pubic really.

So you did support the release under bush, but not obama?
in a general sense i don't think that such photos should be released due to practical considerations, though ideologically i suppose i (mostly, but apparently not completely) believe in transparency.

this does not depend on who is in office, though i would find it mildly more amusing to correlate such photos with bush and co., given their moralizing bullshit about bringing freedom, democracy, and human rights to iraq and afstinkastan.
Rather simple, minkey. He doesn't want to undermine ... himself.

Besides, inuendo and rumour go so much further than cold hard facts.
in a general sense i don't think that such photos should be released due to practical considerations, though ideologically i suppose i (mostly, but apparently not completely) believe in transparency.

this does not depend on who is in office, though i would find it mildly more amusing to correlate such photos with bush and co., given their moralizing bullshit about bringing freedom, democracy, and human rights to iraq and afstinkastan.

oh but obama really believes that's what he's doing, Right?
I don't seem to see the Big pullout he campaigned on.

Personally. I wasn't for the release then, or now.
I understand the need for some confidentiality, but we must pick the right fights on both sides.
Otherwise it detracts from the reasoning/logic.
What should have been an obvious decision to begin with has turned into the appearance of 0bama making a thoughtful conclusion after much deliberation.

It only means the photos will be "leaked" instead of "turned over".
yeah that's it. next you'll be chastising him for polluting the water supply because he urinates into porcelain like the rest of us.
So warez the links to these S&M Bondage piccy's?
Give em a good beatdown they simply love it!
yeah that's it. next you'll be chastising him for polluting the water supply because he urinates into porcelain like the rest of us.


I'd bet most Obots would cherish the flavor.

this is one of those things I was talking about when I said if obama lied about
most of what he campaigned on, he'd do ok.:elaugh2:
we're gonna see a lot of the condemnation of bush polices continuing.
Get use to it.
If they prosecute bush, they'll have to out themselves as well, so you will
see more and more how not many in gov. period, give a crap about the pubic really.

So you did support the release under bush, but not obama?
The Pentagon had planned to release the photos by May 28 in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. That decision was made after the Justice Department lost its latest round in federal court and concluded that any further appeal probably would be fruitless.
The lawsuit by the ACLU was filed the lawsuit back in the Bush days. It's been trapped in the courts ever since.
Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Wednesday that Odierno was the most vocal opponent of releasing the photos and that he shared his concerns with Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

"Odierno was really the one who persuaded the secretary that this had to be fought and the secretary completely agreed," Morrell said.

Gates, in turn, vocalized the concerns to Obama in a series of discussions over the past weeks, Morrell said.

The belief of most of the commanders overseas was the potential the photos had to "incite violence and serve as a potential recruiting tool for terrorists" was too big to let happen without more of a fight.
Pres. Obama was going to release the photos in accordance with the court's decision but was persuaded to hold onto them for the time being by high ranking military personnel who felt the release of the photos would put our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in danger of retaliation and fuel the terrorists' cause.

Personally, I am torn. On the one hand we watched the backlash of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal ruin the lives of the soldiers who took part in it and turned the Iraqi public further against the troops stationed there. On the other hand I feel a strong desire for justice and to be proud again of my country and what it was intended to stand for. I am torn.
What good would the release of these photos achieve?

Good for the President. He chose wisely.

Why? and to what end?
It only means the photos will be "leaked" instead of "turned over".

Sho'nuff were:

New 'prisoner abuse' photographs emerge despite US bid to block publication

The images emerged from Australia yesterday where they were originally obtained by the channel SBS in 2006 in the wake of the Abu Ghraib scandal. They were not distributed around the world at the time but are now believed to be among those the president is trying to block.

**Warning** Article contains hideous images of evil, American torture! **Warning**
What good would the release of these photos achieve?

Good for the President. He chose wisely.

Why? and to what end?
This is where I'm leaning, because I think these photos would do harm to the soldiers, as well as other US citizens, overseas. I think there is a time and a place for everything. Eventually the pictures can be released, but right now it would be poor judgment to do so. Reputation gets tarnished and we can all live with that, but you can't get a life back once it's gone.
This is where I'm leaning, because I think these photos would do harm to the soldiers, as well as other US citizens, overseas. I think there is a time and a place for everything. Eventually the pictures can be released, but right now it would be poor judgment to do so. Reputation gets tarnished and we can all live with that, but you can't get a life back once it's gone.

was then, is now.
was then, is now.
But I do think that eventually, when our troops are back home, that these pictures can be released. The truth will set us free and we will be able to find who we really are again. I think there is still hope for this country and that we can again hold our heads high, being proud to be Americans. There has been a lot to be ashamed of in the recent past and I'm looking forward to cleansing this country of the foulness.