Obama stimulus package will hurt economy in long run -- CBO


Well-Known Member
But I'm sure the CBO report is nothing but an opinion piece so we should all simply ignore it.


CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul
Stephen Dinan (Contact)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.

CBO, the official scorekeepers for legislation, said the House and Senate bills will help in the short term but result in so much government debt that within a few years they would crowd out private investment, actually leading to a lower Gross Domestic Product over the next 10 years than if the government had done nothing.

CBO estimates that by 2019 the Senate legislation would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent on net. [The House bill] would have similar long-run effects, CBO said in a letter to Sen. Judd Gregg, New Hampshire Republican, who was tapped by Mr. Obama on Tuesday to be Commerce Secretary.

The House last week passed a bill totaling about $820 billion while the Senate is working on a proposal reaching about $900 billion in spending increases and tax cuts.

But Republicans and some moderate Democrats have balked at the size of the bill and at some of the spending items included in it, arguing they won't produce immediate jobs, which is the stated goal of the bill.

The budget office had previously estimated service the debt due to the new spending could add hundreds of millions of dollars to the cost of the bill -- forcing the crowd-out.

CBOs basic assumption is that, in the long run, each dollar of additional debt crowds out about a third of a dollars worth of private domestic capital, CBO said in its letter.

CBO said there is no crowding out in the short term, so the plan would succeed in boosting growth in 2009 and 2010.

The agency projected the Senate bill would produce between 1.4 percent and 4.1 percent higher growth in 2009 than if there was no action. For 2010, the plan would boost growth by 1.2 percent to 3.6 percent.

CBO did project the bill would create jobs, though by 2011 the effects would be minuscule.
Thanks for the opinion piece jimpeel, now here's the actual truth:

CBO said:

Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director
U.S. Congress
Washington, DC 20515

February 4, 2009
Honorable Judd Gregg
Ranking Member
Committee on the Budget
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

At your request, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has conducted an
analysis of the macroeconomic impact of the Inouye-Baucus amendment in the
nature of a substitute to H.R. 1. CBO estimates that this Senate legislation would
raise output and lower unemployment for several years, with effects broadly
similar to those of H.R. 1 as introduced. In the longer run, the legislation would
result in a slight decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) compared with CBO’s
baseline economic forecast.

Effects on Output and Employment

The macroeconomic impacts of any economic stimulus program are very
uncertain. Economic theories differ in their predictions about the effectiveness of
stimulus. Furthermore, large fiscal stimulus is rarely attempted, so it is difficult to
distinguish among alternative estimates of how large the macroeconomic effects
would be. For those reasons, some economists remain skeptical that there would
be any significant effects, while others expect very large ones.
CBO has developed a range of estimates of the effects of the Senate legislation on
GDP and employment that encompasses a majority of economists’ views.
According to these estimates, implementing the Senate legislation would increase
GDP relative to the agency’s baseline forecast by between 1.2 percent and
3.6 percent by the fourth quarter of 2010. It would also increase employment at
that point in time by 1.3 million to 3.9 million jobs, as shown in Table 1. In that
quarter, the unemployment rate would be 0.7 percentage points to 2.1 percentage
points lower than the baseline forecast of 8.7 percent. The effects of the
legislation would diminish rapidly after 2010. By the end of 2011, the Senate
legislation would increase GDP by 0.4 percent to 1.2 percent, would raise
employment by 0.6 million to 1.9 million jobs, and would lower the
unemployment rate by 0.3 percentage points to 1.0 percentage point.
Honorable Judd Gregg

Page 2
Those estimated effects differ modestly from CBO’s estimates for H.R. 1 as
introduced.1 In particular, the effects on output and employment are slightly
higher in 2009 and 2010, but slightly lower in 2011. The differences stem from
three main sources. First, the Senate legislation’s provisions regarding the
alternative minimum tax (AMT), which do not appear in the House bill, would
add stimulus to the economy, especially in 2010. Second, the Senate legislation
would allow faster spending from the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, increasing
such spending by about $20 billion over the 2009-2010 period compared with that
under the House bill (and decreasing spending correspondingly in the following
years). And last, the estimated decrease in withholding (and thus the reduction in
revenues) associated with the Making Work Pay Credit would be greater in 2009
under the Senate legislation than under H.R. 1.

Effects of Various Types of Legislative Provisions on Output
Although the Senate legislation has numerous detailed provisions, the
macroeconomic effects can be illustrated by considering the provisions in seven
categories. Table 2 shows the range of estimated effects on the economy—the
multiplier effects—of a one-time increase of a dollar of additional spending or a
dollar reduction in taxes. For all of the categories that would be affected by the
Senate legislation, the resulting budgetary changes are estimated to raise output in
the short run, albeit by different amounts.

The numbers in Table 2 indicate the cumulative impact on GDP over several
quarters. For example, a one-time increase in federal purchases of goods and
services of $1.00 in the second quarter of this year would raise GDP by $1.00 to
$2.50 in total over several quarters, with most of that effect in the first two
quarters and little effect beyond a year.

As shown in the first two categories in the table, direct purchases of goods and
services by governments, including investment in infrastructure, tend to have
relatively large effects on GDP. Because infrastructure spending takes time to
occur, increased funding for that purpose would not boost outlays or GDP much
this year, but it would probably provide significant stimulus from 2010 through
Grants to state and local governments (such as increased assistance for education)
might not increase state spending for the programs designated in the grants but,
instead, might free up funds that the states would otherwise spend on those
programs. States could use those extra funds in a variety of ways: direct purchases
of goods and services (or smaller cuts in such purchases), tax cuts (or smaller tax
increases), transfer payments, or reduced borrowing. The impact of grants
therefore would depend on how states used them.
1 Those estimates appear in Statement of Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director, Congressional Budget
Office, before the House Committee on the Budget, The State of the Economy and Issues in
Developing an Effective Policy Response (January 27, 2009), Table 4, p. 26.

Honorable Judd Gregg

Page 3
Transfers to persons (for example, unemployment insurance and nutrition
assistance) would also have a significant impact on GDP. Transfers have a
relatively strong effect on consumption because they tend to go to people, such as
the poor or unemployed, who are likely to spend much of any additional income.
For that reason and because transfers can be increased quickly, they are estimated
to have a significant impact on GDP by early 2010. Transfers also include
refundable tax credits, which have an impact similar to that of a temporary tax

A dollar’s worth of a temporary tax cut would have a smaller effect on GDP than
a dollar’s worth of direct purchases or transfers, because a significant share of the
tax cut would probably be saved. The amount saved, and therefore the size of the
effect on GDP, would depend on who received the tax cut and how temporary it
would be. Most households probably save most of a temporary tax cut, to keep
their purchases relatively smooth over time. However, the predominantly lowerincome
households that spend all of their income and would like to borrow funds
to spend more if they could (that is, households that are “liquidity constrained”)
probably spend a large share of temporary boosts to income. In addition, the
longer a tax cut is expected to last, the greater the impact on total after-tax
income, and the larger the likely effect on consumption.

CBO’s analysis divides the temporary tax cuts in the Senate legislation into those
that would go primarily to higher-income households and last for only one year
(mostly the provisions affecting the AMT) and those that would go primarily to
lower- and middle-income households and last for two years (predominantly the
Making Work Pay Credit), with the former having a considerably lower range of
multipliers than the latter. Taken together, the temporary nonbusiness tax cuts in
the Senate legislation would reduce revenues much more in 2010 than in 2009
because much of the reduction in taxes would be realized by households when
they filed their returns in 2010.

The provision for greater tax-loss carrybacks would result in a large up-front cost
to the government, but the effect of that provision on business spending would
probably be small because it primarily would affect firms’ after-tax income rather
than their marginal incentives for new investment. Therefore, the effect of the
provision on revenues would be significantly greater than its effect on the

The Relationship Between Output and Employment

CBO derived its estimates of the effect of the Senate legislation on employment
from the estimated effect on GDP. Historical evidence suggests that GDP growth
that is 1 percentage point faster over a year (relative to a baseline forecast) will
cause the unemployment rate to decline by a little more than half a percentage
point (relative to a corresponding baseline forecast). The fall in the unemployment
rate leads more people to enter the labor force and seek jobs and fewer to drop
Honorable Judd Gregg

Page 4

out. Therefore, employment rises both from a decline in the number of
unemployed workers and a decline in the number of people out of the labor force.
In addition, some workers otherwise working part time move to full-time status.
The change in employment relative to the change in GDP in CBO’s estimates is
small compared with that in most industry-based studies of stimulus. By the end
of 2010, CBO estimates, about $140,000 of additional GDP would lead to one
additional person employed. That relationship is similar to those indicated by
other macroeconomic studies of stimulus proposals.2 However, a number of other
sorts of studies imply more employment per dollar of additional GDP. Because
the macroeconomic studies use the historical relationship between changes in
economic growth and changes in jobs, they incorporate a number of broad
economic effects. For example, output per employee tends to fall in a recession
because employers try not to fire their best workers even as they cut production in
response to decreased demand. Therefore, as fiscal stimulus increases demand,
firms can ramp up production without increasing employment proportionally.
Historical evidence thus suggests that fiscal stimulus boosts both productivity and
hours of work as well as employment. Studies that ignore those effects are likely
to overstate the impact of fiscal stimulus on employment.

Long-Run Effects on Output

Most of the budgetary effects of the Senate legislation occur over the next few
years. Even if the fiscal stimulus persisted, however, the short-run effects on
output that operate by increasing demand for goods and services would eventually
fade away. In the long run, the economy produces close to its potential output on
average, and that potential level is determined by the stock of productive capital,
the supply of labor, and productivity. Short-run stimulative policies can affect
long-run output by influencing those three factors, although such effects would
generally be smaller than the short-run impact of those policies on demand.
In contrast to its positive near-term macroeconomic effects, the Senate legislation
would reduce output slightly in the long run, CBO estimates, as would other
similar proposals. The principal channel for this effect is that the legislation
would result in an increase in government debt. To the extent that people hold
their wealth as government bonds rather than in a form that can be used to finance
private investment, the increased debt would tend to reduce the stock of
productive capital. In economic parlance, the debt would “crowd out” private
investment. (Crowding out is unlikely to occur in the short run under current
conditions, because most firms are lowering investment in response to reduced
demand, which stimulus can offset in part.) CBO’s basic assumption is that, in the
long run, each dollar of additional debt crowds out about a third of a dollar’s

2 Two recent macroeconomic studies are Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, “The Job Impact
of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan” (January 9, 2009), and Macroeconomic
Advisers, “Fiscal Stimulus to the Rescue” (January 19, 2009).
Honorable Judd Gregg

Page 5

worth of private domestic capital (with the remainder of the rise in debt offset by
increases in private saving and inflows of foreign capital). Because of uncertainty
about the degree of crowding out, however, CBO has incorporated both more and
less crowding out into its range of estimates of the long-run effects of the Senate

The crowding-out effect would be offset somewhat by other factors. Some of the
Senate legislation’s provisions, such as funding for improvements to roads and
highways, might add to the economy’s potential output in much the same way that
private capital investment does. Other provisions, such as funding for grants to
increase access to college education, could raise long-term productivity by
enhancing people’s skills. And some provisions would create incentives for
increased private investment. According to CBO’s estimates, provisions that
could add to long-term output account for roughly one-quarter of the legislation’s
budgetary cost.

The effect of individual provisions could vary greatly. For example, increased
spending for basic research and education might affect output only after a number
of years, but once those investments began to boost GDP, they might pay off over
more years than would the average investment in physical capital (in economic
terms, they have a low rate of depreciation). Therefore, in any one year, their
contribution to output might be less than that of the average private investment,
even if their overall contribution to productivity over their lifetime was just as
high. Moreover, while some carefully chosen government investments might be
as productive as private investment, other government projects would probably
fall well short of that benchmark, particularly in an environment in which rapid
spending is a significant goal. The response of state and local governments that
received federal stimulus grants would also affect their long-run impact; those
governments might apply some of that money to investments they would have
carried out anyway, thus freeing funds for noninvestment purposes and lowering
the long-run economic return to those grants. In order to encompass a wide range
of potential effects, CBO used two assumptions in developing its estimates: first,
that all of the relevant investments together would, on average, add as much to
output as would a comparable amount of private investment, and, second, that
they would, on average, not add to output at all.

In principle, the legislation’s long-run impact on output also would depend on
whether it permanently changed incentives to work or save. However, according
to CBO’s estimates, the legislation would not have any significant permanent
effects on those incentives.

Including the effects of both crowding out of private investment (which would
reduce output in the long run) and possibly productive government investment
(which could increase output), CBO estimates that by 2019 the Senate legislation
would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent on net. H.R. 1, as passed by the
Honorable Judd Gregg

Page 6

House, would have similar long-run effects. CBO has not estimated the
macroeconomic effects of the stimulus proposals year by year beyond 2011.

Other Effects of Stimulus Proposals
It is important to note that effects on GDP, the aggregate domestic output of the
economy, do not necessarily translate into effects on people’s well-being. First,
the part of GDP that contributes directly to people’s welfare is consumption.
However, changes in GDP do not necessarily imply corresponding changes in
consumption. For example, if GDP rises because foreigners finance greater
investment, much of the additional income generated by the investment will flow
overseas as payments to foreigners and will not be available to support higher

More fundamentally, many things that make people better off do not appear in
GDP at all. For example, healthier children or shorter commute times can improve
people’s welfare without necessarily increasing the nation’s measured output in
the long run (though spending in those areas would still provide short-run
stimulus). Even legislation explicitly intended to affect output may also seek to
accomplish other goals and can be evaluated accordingly.
I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, I
would be glad to answer them. The staff contacts for the analysis are Ben Page
and Robert Arnold, who may be reached at (202) 226-2750.

Douglas W. Elmendorf
Identical letter sent to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley.
cc: Honorable Kent Conrad
Senate Committee on the Budget
Honorable John M. Spratt, Jr.
House Committee on the Budget
Honorable Paul Ryan
Ranking Member
House Committee on the Budget
Honorable Daniel K. Inouye
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Honorable Judd Gregg
Page 7
Honorable Thad Cochran
Vice Chairman
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Honorable Dave Obey
House Committee on Appropriations
Honorable Jerry Lewis
Ranking Member
House Committee on Appropriations


Here is what the first comment at the bottom of the stry was as well:

JJ, Dinans first sentence is a lie, "President Obama's economic recovery package will actually hurt the economy more in the long run than if he were to do nothing, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday." Nowhere in the CBO letter does it even suggest such a thing. The worst the CBO letter states is that in 2019 the GDP may be down 0.1 to 0.3 percent owing to increased debt.
If you are unable to read the CBO against Dinan, and not see the flagrant lying, then you are mentally incompetent.

And further....

Bloomberg said:
CBO Says 64% of Stimulus Would Reach Economy By 2011 (Update1)
Email | Print | A A A

By Brian Faler

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- A congressional agency report casts doubt on a commitment by President Barack Obama’s administration that three-quarters of a proposed $825 billion stimulus plan would be pumped into the economy by the start of 2011.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said today that $526 billion would be rippling through the economy by that time. That is about 64 percent of the government spending and tax cuts that make up the plan. The CBO finding suggests that the package of measures may take longer to boost the economy than called for by many of its advocates.

The report said the tax cut provisions would have the quickest impact on the economy, with about $208 billion reaching taxpayers by the end of next year. Implementing the proposed government spending would take would longer, the CBO said.

“Lags in spending stem in part from the need to draft plans, solicit bids, enter into contracts, and conduct regulatory or environmental reviews,” the report said. “Spending can be further delayed because some activities are by their nature seasonal. For example, major school repairs are generally scheduled during the summer to avoid disrupting classes, and construction and highway work are difficult to carry out during the winter months in many parts of the country.”

Methodology Questioned

White House Budget Director Peter Orszag said last week in a letter to lawmakers the administration was “committed” to having at least 75 percent of the stimulus plan’s spending and tax cuts funneled into the economy by the start of 2011.

Orszag said today in an interview that he disagreed with some aspects of the CBO’s methodology for analyzing the stimulus. He said the administration remains within “spitting distance” of its goal of getting three-quarters of the money into the economy within two years.

The CBO, responsible for providing an independent estimate of the legislation’s cost, also said the plan as crafted by House Democrats would total $816 billion, not $825 billion. The agency estimated that the bottom line for the legislation’s tax cuts would be less than the lawmakers have said while the total spending would be more.

The report estimated the tax cuts would total $212 billion over the next 10 years, not $275 billion as its Democratic sponsors projected. Mandatory spending for programs such as unemployment benefits would total about $248 billion, while discretionary funding would amount to $356 billion, according to the CBO report.

Hoyer Reaction

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said the report “shows that the recovery plan will provide an immediate boost to our economy, while also ensuring long-term economic stability and growth to prevent our nation from slipping back into a recession.”

Democrats have promised to make changes to spend the money faster, following Republican complaints that the stimulus plan wouldn’t work quickly enough.

Today’s CBO report updated a study released last week by the agency that said at least one-fourth of the House stimulus plan wouldn’t reach the economy until sometime after 2010. Unlike today’s update, that report examined only one section of the legislation.

The Senate is working on its own version of the stimulus. The House is slated to put its plan up for a vote on Wednesday.

Lawmakers are aiming to come to agreement on a final plan to send to Obama by mid-February.

To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Faler in Washington at [email protected]


Nice way to put the worst spin on it though Jim!
Interestingly, I agree (more or less) with the opinion piece. I think this stimulus package and the previous one, which no one seems to want to refer to anymore, will weaken rather than strengthen the economy. I don't expect that we'll see most of the short term benefits that we're being promised either. OTOH, I find it interesting that it's all down to Obama now. His real problem is that he's trying to deal with it the only way he knows how, which is basically the same way Bush tried to deal with it. We should be surprised that it's unlikely to work any better? Treating the symptoms rather than the problem never works.
No one wants to suffer through another depression like the one of 1929. Even with FDR's New Deal, it took a war and sixteen years to get things to resemble normalcy and there are conflicting opinions on whether it was or was not successful. From a personal view point, I do not agree with any bailout (for reasons offered by Chcr) but neither do I, unlike Limbaugh and others sharing his narrow views, wish harm to the plan as right now it is setting the compass for Americas future.
Oddly enough ... you've already got the wars ... and everyone's bitching about them instead of applauding GWB's initiative in trying to head off this nightmare in the first place.
Oddly enough ... you've already got the wars ... and everyone's bitching about them instead of applauding GWB's initiative in trying to head off this nightmare in the first place.

So that's what he was doing. :rofl4:

So, you think we should go ahead with WWIII then? That actually may not be a problem. I'm starting to wonder if anyone can prevent it.
Interestingly, I agree (more or less) with the opinion piece. I think this stimulus package and the previous one, which no one seems to want to refer to anymore, will weaken rather than strengthen the economy. I don't expect that we'll see most of the short term benefits that we're being promised either. OTOH, I find it interesting that it's all down to Obama now. His real problem is that he's trying to deal with it the only way he knows how, which is basically the same way Bush tried to deal with it. We should be surprised that it's unlikely to work any better? Treating the symptoms rather than the problem never works.

so, um, what is the underlying condition we're trying to treat symptomatically?

you think that large blocks of money dedicated to large scale infrastructure and energy development are not needed at this point? (yes, they are, absolutely. our shitty infrastructure is hindering our competitiveness, and our dependence on foreigN energy sources... well, hey, that's working out great!)

is anyone in private industry going to make such investments? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. can't make an near-immediate profit, so no interest there, timmy.

people forget that massive governments works projects have historically been huge economic stimulants. you know, like, um world war 2. and the national highway system.
Well the opinion piece is a misrepresentation of what the letter actually says is all I was pointing out. Which is right, well that is open for debate and only the initiatives passing and time will tell. Still for him to post the story that puts the situation in the worst light is to be expected. Not sure about Jim, but I am quite sure there are a few folks around here that would be up in arms and mad as hell if Obama started slashing taxes. It's just so important for them to hate him, their whole identity depends upon it.
What did they think of Bush's stimulus package?

It was stupid & wrong & should never have been attempted, especially after the people spoke & stopped it & our politicians decided they knew better & we, as a people, didn't throw their asses out of office.

I am quite sure there are a few folks around here that would be up in arms and mad as hell if Obama started slashing taxes. It's just so important for them to hate him, their whole identity depends upon it.

Hell, let's try it & see what happens.

our shitty infrastructure is hindering our competitiveness, and our dependence on foreigN energy sources.

Damn. Just damn. Perhaps if our government got out of the business of running BofA & keeping AIG afloat, if it'd stop paying for abortions in Kuzbekistan & it's qiit paying farmers to not grow certain crops, it could then afford to do what it is supposed to do. That doesn't include R&D on new energy. Promote-not provide.
both stimulus packages were terrible ideas

obama will not 'start slashing taxes' as it goes against every inclination he holds dear

heres a thought though

900 billion to be spent, assuming it must be spent

150 million workers in the country

split it evenly

6000 per worker

put 12 grand in my household and see if business dont pick up
Still a bad idea. Communism is communism, no matter where the wealth is spread.
Perhaps if our government got out of the business of running BofA & keeping AIG afloat, if it'd stop paying for abortions in Kuzbekistan & it's qiit paying farmers to not grow certain crops, it could then afford to do what it is supposed to do. That doesn't include R&D on new energy. Promote-not provide.

If the government was paying for a war in a country that was no threat to us it could afford to do a lot of things that actually helped our citizens.
Jim seems to like pushing these misrepresentations for some reason.

This is exactly why I usually don't get in "link wars" with him. Every time he starts throwing links out like he does that "prove" he is right, one could just as easily pull links that indicate otherwise. In such a war of links there are two possibilities, they are; a. the contradictory links are political in nature and based largely on opinion, which is only "right" or "wrong" based on how it pans out after the fact, and b. one set of links is based on true information and one fallacious. The trouble with example "b" being, that being as I have one time on this board seen the guy admit he was wrong, and it was on a fairly minor point where he was so obviously dead wrong. I just can't justify wasting my time arguing with rocks.

It was said recently by catocom that we believe what we want to believe, and that is largely true. It also might have something to do with me not having the time, or not being willing to spend the time researching links to combat his points when I know that nothing will be accomplished. The thing about what catocom said about what we want to believe, is I think, except in rare cases, if we search our hearts fearlessly, then we will know what is right or wrong, even if it's not what we wish was true.
Links are required if you are using copyrighted material.

spike...GW is out of office. Ask your messiah to change things. However, don't ask him to "to do a lot of things that actually helped our citizens" if they are against the Constitution.
This is exactly why I usually don't get in "link wars" with him. Every time he starts throwing links out like he does that "prove" he is right, one could just as easily pull links that indicate otherwise. In such a war of links there are two possibilities, they are; a. the contradictory links are political in nature and based largely on opinion, which is only "right" or "wrong" based on how it pans out after the fact, and b. one set of links is based on true information and one fallacious. The trouble with example "b" being, that being as I have one time on this board seen the guy admit he was wrong, and it was on a fairly minor point where he was so obviously dead wrong. I just can't justify wasting my time arguing with rocks.

It was said recently by catocom that we believe what we want to believe, and that is largely true. It also might have something to do with me not having the time, or not being willing to spend the time researching links to combat his points when I know that nothing will be accomplished. The thing about what catocom said about what we want to believe, is I think, except in rare cases, if we search our hearts fearlessly, then we will know what is right or wrong, even if it's not what we wish was true.

It is not some sort of "link war". What you need to understand is that the providing of links is called "proper attribution" and is required under the tenets of the Fair Use Doctrine. Posting copyrighted material under Fair Use requires that one use a link, author's name, source name, and, if possible, the copyright notice ie: "Copyright AP 2009 all rights reserved". If you do not do that you are in violation of Fair Use.

There is more to the Fair Use Doctrine; but I will leave it to you to look it up and, in deference to your wishes, I won't provide you with a link.

Are you aware of what the part in the letter about the "baseline economic forecast" means? Here is what the letter states:

In the longer run, the legislation would result in a slight decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) compared with CBO’s baseline economic forecast.

What the CBO report is referring to when it says "baseline economic forecast," is what would happen in the absence of a stimulus bill. So let's see what the numbers are since your cut-n-paste copy from your linked source to the letter failed to include the two charts.

Table 1.
Estimated Macroeconomic Impacts of the Inouye-Baucus Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to
H.R. 1, Fourth Quarters of 2009, 2010, and 2011

............................................ 2009 ...... 2010 ....... 2011

GDP (Percentage from baseline)
Low estimate of effect of plan ... 1.4 ......... 1.2 ........ 0.4
High estimate of effect of plan ... 4.1 ......... 3.6 ........ 1.2

GDP Gapa (Percent)
Baseline ................................ -7.4 ........ -6.3...... -4.1
Low estimate of effect of plan ... -6.1 ....... -5.2 ...... -3.7
High estimate of effect of plan ... -3.7 ....... -3.0 ...... -2.9

Unemployment Rate (Percent)
Baseline ................................. 9.0 ....... 8.7 ....... 7.5
Low estimate of effect of plan ... 8.5 ....... 8.1 ....... 7.2
High estimate of effect of plan ... 7.7 ....... 6.7 ....... 6.5

Employmentb (Millions of jobs)
Baseline ............................... 141.6 ..... 143.3 .... 146.2
Low estimate of effect of plan .. 142.5 .... 144.6 .... 146.8
High estimate of effect of plan .. 144.0 .... 147.2 .... 148.1

Source: Congressional Budget Office.

a. The GDP gap is the percentage difference between gross domestic product and CBO's estimate of potential GDP. Potential GDP is the estimated level of output that corresponds to a high level of resource--labor and capital--use. A negative gap indicates a high unemployment rate and low utilization rates for plant and equipment.

Note how the numbers get closer and closer as time wears on?

Now that is merely the next 3 years.

Again, the letter states in the first paragraph:

In the longer run, the legislation would result in a slight decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) compared with CBO’s baseline economic forecast.

In other words, the legislation would cause a decrease in GDP compared with what would happen if there were no legislation ie: if nothing was done at all.

So to say that the letter never stated that the legislation would have an overall impact that would be lower than if they did nothing at all is fallacious. That is what that part about "baseline economic forecast" is about. The author got it; and he was not lying when he stated what he stated. You are just confused by the way these bean-counters say things.