Obama to Deliver Gun-grabbing Speech Soon


Well-Known Member
Kurt Nimmo
January 27, 2011

Prior to his SOTU, it was reported Obama would mention gun control. He didn’t, although he did preface his speech with a tribute to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the wounded Arizona representative who has become a poster child for professional gun-grabbers.

Earlier this week, legendary gun-grabber New York mayor Michael Bloomberg called for a strict national background check system and additional restrictions on gun shows.

“President Obama tonight failed to challenge old assumptions on the need for, and political possibilities of, reducing the gun violence – which he suggested should be done two weeks ago in Tucson,” complained Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation’s largest anti-Second Amendment group.

Now administration officials say Obama will address the issue soon. In the next two weeks, Newsweek reports, the White House will unveil a brand spanking new gun control effort designed to strengthen previous anti-Second Amendment laws on the books.

The Obama White House will use the mentally deranged accused Giffords shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, to push for background checks, although in order to avoid the impression that Obama is exploiting the Arizona shooting for political gain the White House will dedicate a separate speech to the issue.

Obama’s handlers expect increased activity on the issue of background checks soon. “It’s a very important issue, and one I know there’s going to be debate about on the Hill,” Obama adviser David Plouffe told NBC News.

The NRA has remained suspiciously silent on Obama’s plan to move on the Second Amendment in the coming weeks.

In the past, the NRA has teamed up with Democrats to pass gun control legislation. For instance, in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, the NRA worked with notorious gun-grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y. to pass a background check bill.

Last year, McCarthy introduced The No Fly, No Buy Act (H.R. 2401), a bill that will merge the TSA’s no-fly list with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a point-of-sale system for determining eligibility to purchase a firearm in the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico. It was created in November of 1993 when the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 (Brady Act), Public Law 103-159, was signed into law. Permanent provisions of the Brady Act went into effect on November 30, 1998, and required the U.S. Attorney General to establish NICS.


White House to Push Gun Control, Daniel Stone, Newsweek, January 27, 2011.

NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill, Scott Conroy, CBS News, June 13, 2007.

Gun-grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Introduces “No Fly, No Buy Act,” Kurt Nimmo, Infowars.com, May 17, 2009.

background checks are fine... so long as they don't go after my stash of a 30 round standard capacity magazines.
We to need to get with the rest of the civilized world, we are so far behind on this issues.

We need look to the international community for proper guidance.

It does make it so much easier for the sheriff to come around & confiscate them later.

how sure are you that those records are shared?

and oh, yeah, it's not gonna be the local guys that show up. it'll be guys from the monster world government. you know, blue helmets.

i have no problems with a NICS background check. in fact, i'll probably be the subject of one tomorrow. big fucking deal. by the way, do you even own a gun?
I lost all of my guns in a terrible boating accident. The canoe flipped over 3 miles off the California coast and every last one deep-six'd.

Shame really :angel:
forget already?

on the other hand, we don't need anything besides hateful rhetoric

As for my personal famiy protection...it went down with RMs

the first link - okay, good point.

the second one - that's a little more debatable. the guy is advocating shooting people. under any administration, the secret service would be on his ass.

what does the "went down with RMs" comment mean? so you don't have a gun, but you're a staunch 2nd amendment guy? what?
the first link - okay, good point.

the second one - that's a little more debatable. the guy is advocating shooting people. under any administration, the secret service would be on his ass.

what does the "went down with RMs" comment mean? so you don't have a gun, but you're a staunch 2nd amendment guy? what?

The second one...yea, the guy made an untasteful remark, in a blog. It was hardly a threat. Top that with the fact that just above the 2nd amendment is the first. By those rules, all of us who are left here will be getting a visit any day.

I lost all of my guns in a terrible boating accident. The canoe flipped over 3 miles off the California coast and every last one deep-six'd.

Shame really :angel:

What? One has to own weapons to be a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms?

Damn straight, the last firearm I acquired through
the system was long before all this silliness began.
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