Off Topic Central Forum Mailer = probs


Well-Known Member
I've been getting multiple emails, emails about threads that no one has posted in, the names of the people are wrong, and it has sent me 30 emails in last 4 minutes...
Moved to town hall because this is where the admins check for problem reports
Forward me a copy of those if you will, please. [email protected]

In the mean time, to unsubscribe from all threads, User CP -> View All Subscribed Threads -> Unsubscribe from all threads, and to prevent any more subscriptions, go to your Options page and select "no" for "Use email notification by default"
I like getting emails, I just delete the extra ones. I've gotten about 18 of those "IM WATCHING YOU" notifies, but only Nixy talking about her new cam is there.
Ok, i'll foreward you them. Hope you have 2gb inbox, you will need it...
Sent 3 already. I got this one, saying Nixy replied. I had latest post, but when I posted Nixy's post hadn't shown up, even though I saw furys (posted 1 minute later)
The board will send you notifications of the topic if there have been new posts dated after your last activity on the board, then it will stop until the last activity record is updated again. If you were actively browsing the board during the times you got those emails, it's normal behavior for the board. OTCers reply quickly and frequently
I am an OTCer

Someone wanna write a parody of the "I am Canadian" thing?
We're the OTC junkies
We make 100 posts a day
Our posts have pics of monkeys
if you can't keep up then dont stay
OTC is our lives
we hang out here all the time
When posting, we ignore our wifes
Altron knows how to rhyme!

^attempt at rapping
fury said:
Altron said:
We make 100 posts a day
Closer to about 400-500.
I couldn't add it in, then it wouldn't rhyme.
Also fury thanks for the help (we've been emailing each other)
too bad Microsoft tech support isn't that good!
Well you get what you pay for (or in this case, the oppisite)