Offensive language


Southern Discomfort

Local government officials in a town in England have been informed that use of the words "lady," "ethnic" and "elderly" should all be avoided when referring to constituents lest they offend someone, says the Yorkshire Post.

The Corporate Equalities Unit of the Hull Council in York sent out an email to employees containing a long list of potentially offensive terms. Terms such as "foreigner" and "darling" were lumped in with words like "dyke" and "spastic."

Conservative councillor John Fareham said he was insulted by the list.

"My employees have just told me I can't call a lady a lady," he said. "To me, not calling a lady a lady is an insult, and to further say it is as unacceptable as genuinely derogatory terms for ethnic minorities is appalling.


So, lady is now offensive in England. Guess we better get hip with the times and start calling 'em ho's. Or bitches. You know, like the lovely multicultural crowd on MTV does.

If someone got offended around here everytime they heard "lady", "Darling", "swetheart", or something similar, we'd never get anything done.
Should they use cunt,group of people with different melanine levels and person who has been in this world for a long time instead?


How 'bout them old ladie.. eh, wimmen calling them young lads "luv" when serving beer down at the pub? I swear, my fellow students of the male variety were quite traumatized by this when we were down there.

Ok, not really, but they could have been. No really, they could!
Starya said:

How 'bout them old ladie.. eh, wimmen calling them young lads "luv" when serving beer down at the pub? I swear, my fellow students of the male variety were quite traumatized by this when we were down there.

Ok, not really, but they could have been. No really, they could!
Would they have been if they didn't have beer right there to drown their sorrows?
Could be.

Come to think of it, one of 'em said "luv" to me too, before serving me a drink.

Oh God, I feel so violated. :( Bloody Brits!
That elderly ethnic lady, you know, the darling spastic dyke, really looks like Lou Gramm from Foreigner :D