Oh, baby...yeah, yeah, baby...

unclehobart said:
I guess the study of owl barf ran dry.

Owl pellets, man, PELLETS. We didn't spend over 500,000 of your tax dollars to call it barf, and compare it to something found on the bathroom floor in a cheap hotel pub...:D
Perhaps a study of cheap hotel bathroom floors is in order... to discover why owls aren't nesting there. It shouldn't take me longer than the rest of my life and at a modest stipend of 2 mil/year. I've a notepad handy. I'm game.
unclehobart said:
Perhaps a study of cheap hotel bathroom floors is in order... to discover why owls aren't nesting there. It shouldn't take me longer than the rest of my life and at a modest stipend of 2 mil/year. I've a notepad handy. I'm game.

Make that Spotted Owls, and I'll see what I can do...endangered species studies usually qualify for more cash...:grinyes:
I think the money would be better spent studying 3-4 star hotels.
Unc, you need an extra assistant. :grinyes:
What happened to that much needed study of ketchup viscosity? Did we ever come to a conclusion on that one? I know I wonder about that every time I can't get the ketchup to come out of the bottle :nerd:

Oh wait, that must be why they invented the squeeze bottle :alienhuh:
I always enjoyed the spotted owl controversy, since, of course, it has effected the local economy here. Now they are finding out that it's not the timber industry that is causing the decline as much as another owl is. Turns out that the spotted owl has a pretator....another owl. Well, I guess that just made the last 10-15 years of wasted tax dollars in feasilibility plans and endangered species studies worthless.
PostCode said:
I always enjoyed the spotted owl controversy, since, of course, it has effected the local economy here. Now they are finding out that it's not the timber industry that is causing the decline as much as another owl is. Turns out that the spotted owl has a pretator....another owl. Well, I guess that just made the last 10-15 years of wasted tax dollars in feasilibility plans and endangered species studies worthless.[/QUOTE]

It certainly was not! They have conlusively proved that they don't have a fucking clue. :lol:
We had to sort through "Owl Pellets" for dietary information back in my university days. Nothing quite screams fun like rebuilding digested field mice!

Don't even ask what we did with cats *poke*
Seen the title of this thread and thought, Oh, Uh Uh Uh , Oh Yeaaaaah Baby...... and then its about taxes. Although we used to tell our kids can't come out of room right now, Mom and Dad are doing their taxes... :lol2: