Oh, by the way

So, the Massoftwoshit Senators is now down to one, for now. I wonder if Mary Jo will be kicking him in the nuts for eternity.
I think Ted Kennedy was very good at what he did. He was instrumental in getting many pieces of legislation passed, and often made deals with other politicians who were of the Republican persuasion. A true compromising politician with powerful influence that could get bills passed.

With that said, many of you already know how I feel about politicians, no matter what side of the fence they happen to graze on. ;)
Today a lot of states would call Mary Jo’s death Second Degree Murder.

Mark Steyn: Airbrushing out Mary Jo Kopechne

We are enjoined not to speak ill of the dead. But, when an entire nation — or, at any rate, its “mainstream” media culture — declines to speak the truth about the dead, we are certainly entitled to speak ill of such false eulogists. In its coverage of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s passing, America’s TV networks are creepily reminiscent of those plays Sam Shepard used to write about some dysfunctional inbred hardscrabble Appalachian household where there’s a baby buried in the backyard but everyone agreed years ago never to mention it.

In this case, the unmentionable corpse is Mary Jo Kopechne, 1940–1969. If you have to bring up the, ah, circumstances of that year of decease, keep it general, keep it vague. As Kennedy flack Ted Sorensen put it in Time magazine: “Both a plane crash in Massachusetts in 1964 and the ugly automobile accident on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969 almost cost him his life.”

Kennedy biographer Ed Klein recalls:

I don't know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, "have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?" That is just the most amazing thing. It's not that he didn't feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.
Frank Says House Will Likely Approve Audit of Federal Reserve
Rep. Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has endorsed a bill calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve.

The support from the powerful Massachusetts Democrat comes after the measure, introduced in late February by Rep. Ron Paul, has won hundreds of co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle.

never thought I'd see the day, but now...maybe
How do you get "Ted" from "Edward"? I mean, I understand "Ed Kennedy" or "Eddie Kennedy", but "Ted Kennedy"? Confused me... I'm like "Theodore Kennedy - who the hell is that? And he died the same time as Edward Kennedy? I wonder if they were in an accident or something together, weird coincidence"
How do you get "Ted" from "Edward"? I mean, I understand "Ed Kennedy" or "Eddie Kennedy", but "Ted Kennedy"? Confused me... I'm like "Theodore Kennedy - who the hell is that? And he died the same time as Edward Kennedy? I wonder if they were in an accident or something together, weird coincidence"

Shhh! It's one of the mysteries of the....



"Ed" is short for Elitist Democrat..... "Ted" is short for Top Elitist Democrat.
It's the damn good-fer-nothin' liberals. They try to hide behind false names. A real man gives you his first name, his middle initial, and his last name. George W. Bush. A slimey democrat scumbag will give slippery answers. "Ted" isn't even his real name!
It's the damn good-fer-nothin' liberals. They try to hide behind false names. A real man gives you his first name, his middle initial, and his last name. George W. Bush. A slimey democrat scumbag will give slippery answers. "Ted" isn't even his real name!

Wow, your wealth of idiocy is showing!