Oh God - I feel sick...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I can't wait till Saturday, I have to do it now. I'm going to go offline for a bit in a little while and fire up the new rig for the first time, but I'm so nervous I'm shaking and I feel as sick as a dog... I just hope I haven't done anything wrong...

Wish me luck... I need it!
crosses fingers for aunty.... no worries there, im sure you got it going
get well auntie. try to relax a little you maybe feeling sick cause of the nervousness. get well and good luck to ye.
It'll be fine. You've got the personality that says you paid the right amount of attention to detail, and that's 85% of the battle. You'll be more than OK after she fires up and POSTs.
it'll be fine :D, i've gotten past the point years ago when a rig refuses to fire up to get nervous and queasy, if anything fails tostart just shutdown, check all connections and see if everything is where it should be.
ditto with Justin, with time you just ask yourself what went wrong, but never get nervous, remember if something doesn't work return it and get a new one.
Hi honey, I'm home!

.... and surfing with my new rig. :D

It fired up fine everything was working until I put the drivers in for the video card and discovered that I had a conflict going on and ended up with a blank screen 5 hours ago....

...anyway the upshot is I finally tracked it down to a conflict between the video drivers and the USB 2.0 drivers.... so I disabled the USB 2.0 in the BIOS and hey presto she works.... phew! I tried a couple of different graphics cards in there but they all acted the same. I know there is a BIOS update so I'm off to look for it and see if there is any information on hardware conflicts on ABit's site.

At the moment the Bios says the cpu is running at 54C and the Hardware doctor says it's running at 42C - so someone's wrong. So I'll install Sandra as well. I know AS3 takes a while to take effect so hopefully it will come down a bit over the next couple of days. But everything is stable for the moment.
hmm, my A7V333 ( TRASHED YOU MUTHAFUCKER!) before it died TODAY never could jive with any form of windows and my Win TV card + USB 2.0 ports being active :mad:, had to disable it for the life of the board no matter what BIOS, plus both were resouce hard locked, no changes possible :rolleyes:
Right not i'm stuck on an Nforce1 Leadtek board at 266FSB and a paltry XP 2100+ ( got the bloody 2700+ locked away as this board has no bios to support it and can't do 333fsb anyway).
btw i HATE ASUS as of today, they never guranteed the v1 A7V333 to work with 333fsb cpus, but never mentioned that till lately plus the fucking BIOS SUPPORTED IT!!! Abit on the other hand will make different BIOSes for different versions, according to the cpu they support (KT7A example) so most likely i fucking fried the voltage regulators or something :rolleyes: rip little Asus fucker! pisses me off cause 12 days ago mr.warranty went and it cost me 150 quid back in the day :grumpy:
I'm glad I got the silent fans as well, it's so quiet I can actually hear myself think. :)

Hardware doctor is actually recording the system as 40C and the cpu is flicking between 40c and 40.5C.... so I don't know what to believe at the moment... But it does have a GlobalWin FP852 heatsink rated up to 2800+ on a 2200+ processor....
holy mary of mother god, thank you sooooooooooo much Aunty, for mentioning Abit, i just remembered i lent my cousin my Abit At7 MAXX2, sweet KT400 goodness ahhhhhhh :headbang:
don't matter unless overclocking, the KT400 is rather pointless, think i may actually leave him be and pick up an Nforce 2 board (top dog atm), but never another asus, noticed things started goin south with the A7V266E, the others before were class boards.
actually i gotta pick it up, i'm fuckin skint :D

when i posted that, aunty's post wasn't there, and btw, she stated abit on her previous post :p
Luis G