Oh wait, perhaps this conservative resurgence is smoke and mirrors?!?

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Christian Science Monitor said:
Palin, Limbaugh, Beck … now it’s Republicans seeing the downside

Some moderate conservatives see danger in the vociferous right, especially among broadcast pot-stirrers. They want to advance the GOP by changing the tone.

By Brad Knickerbocker | Staff writer/ October 3, 2009 edition

“I am not a member of any organized party,” Will Rogers famously quipped. “I am a Democrat.” Then there were those old jokes about Democrats forming “circular firing squads.”

But these days, it seems like Republicans are the ones duking it out with each other … or at least examining where they are and where they should be headed after recent electoral drubbings.

Mainstream Republicans are looking at the loudest of the conservative voices — Sarah Palin and the most prominent of the talk-show types (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al) — and concluding that the GOP needs to do something different if it’s to succeed.

Steve Schmidt, former campaign strategist for John McCain, said Friday that nominating former Alaska governor Sarah Palin for president in 2012 would be “catastrophic” for the party.

“In the year since the election has ended, she has done nothing to expand her appeal beyond the base,” Schmidt said at a forum sponsored by The Atlantic magazine and web site.

“The independent vote is going to be up for grabs in 2012,” he said. “That middle of the electorate is going to be determinative of the outcome of the elections. I just don’t see that if you look at the things she has done over the year … that she is going to expand that base in the middle.”

Meanwhile, Schmidt’s old boss “is working behind-the-scenes to reshape the Republican Party in his own center-right image,” reports politico.com. That means recruiting candidates, raising money, and campaigning on their behalf.

“Those familiar with McCain’s thinking say he has expressed serious concern about the direction of the party and is actively seeking out and supporting candidates who can broaden the party’s reach. In McCain’s case, that means backing conservative pragmatists and moderates.”

Speaking at the same two-day Atlantic event as Schmidt, Sen. Lindsay Graham (R) of South Carolina said party leaders need to call out “birthers” and other conspiracy theorists on the right. “Say, ‘You’re crazy.’ In a respectful way.”

Graham dismissed Rush Limbaugh as someone who “makes hundreds of millions of dollars being able to talk on the radio.” And of today’s hottest conservative/libertarian phenomenon he said, “Glenn Beck is not aligned with any party as far as I can tell. He’s aligned with cynicism, and there’s always been a market for cynicism.”

But perhaps the most devastating critique of the vociferous right — from the right — comes from David Brooks, resident conservative columnist at The New York Times.

Referring to them as “media mavens who claim to represent a hidden majority but who in fact represent a mere niche — even in the Republican Party,” Brooks wrote this week:

“The rise of Beck, Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and the rest has correlated almost perfectly with the decline of the GOP. But it’s not because the talk jocks have real power. It’s because they have illusory power, because Republicans hear the media mythology and fall for it every time.”

Is this tug toward the center by prominent middle-of-the-road conservatives likely to succeed?

“Much of the party is fonder of Palin than of McCain, and thinks that the catastrophe was in nominating him; in their version of events, going with McCain meant selling out conservatism and inviting disaster,” writes Gabriel Winant at salon.com. “This kind of thinking sends a party into a downward spiral. The GOP base is likely to view McCain’s current efforts, and Schmidt’s comments, not as healthy argument, but as a corrupting influence.”

No surprise in Rush Limbaugh’s response to the current hoo-hah.

“I think it’s time for the McCain crowd to acknowledge they are losers and pack it in,” he emailed political blogger Greg Sargent. “They’ve done enough damage to the Republican Party. Move aside and let a brighter, more principled, and more competent generation of people clean up the mess they helped create.”


Nice, Beck and Limbaugh and pretty (vacant) boy Hannity are representative of a mere "niche" of fringe lunatics even among Republicans. They do the party more harm than good. Is that somehow surprising?

Wow, I guess reasonable people do actually still look for realistic answers and are not sheep who follow conservative talking points blindly to the path of destruction....KEWL!

Perhaps someday people will look for solutions and not attach to some vacant vapid douchebag like Palin. I mean that woman on the surface is all about the issues you think you agree with, but in reality is a psycho bitch glamor girl who may be just sexy enough to get votes. It is well known that she is a prima donna and general pain in the ass. It is less known that she is part of a corrupt political machine in her home state. God help us if she ever gains any real power. But then I don't think enough Americans are actually that stupid, even though sometimes it seems like it....
Extremism is the only way to go. That way you can alienate a big chunk of the republican party.
Right now conservatives and moderate are hard clay. We are kneading ourselves into a fine medium of resolve. When the medium is perfect we will craft a form to be fired into a rock solid force of American Patriots determined to move our nation forward.

From chaos comes fortitude. Watch your silly little ass boy, we are coming.
Liberals and moderates already banded together, came for you, and beat your ass in a landslide. Two elections in a row.
Extremism is the only way to go. That way you can alienate a big chunk of the republican party.

I'm not backing a party, I'm backing an ideology.

Liberals and moderates already banded together, came for you, and beat your ass in a landslide. Two elections in a row.

Yep. Now look at the mess they've made.
If you look at the last 3 years, you'll notice that the mess came along after the (D)'s took Congress.
Nice, Beck and Limbaugh and pretty (vacant) boy Hannity are representative of a mere "niche" of fringe lunatics even among Republicans. They do the party more harm than good. Is that somehow surprising?

Wow, I guess reasonable people do actually still look for realistic answers and are not sheep who follow conservative talking points blindly to the path of destruction....KEWL!

Who is Brad Knickerbocker and why did he write this mush-brained lib drivel, anyway?

Sounds like he is getting apprehensive because some conservatives refuse to drink obama's Kool Aide.

The ones doing the complaining are the ones trying to "re-invent" the republican party: the RINOs. They are the ones who have driven the party so far to the left it is barely distinguishable from the 'rats.

They are aware too that the rise of "the vociferous right" means the RINOs will be purged.


The priority is saving the country and crushing liberalism.

Strange you can hear ranting and raving about "the far right" ruining the GOP but there is nary a peep about the radicals, communists and socialists from the left who are currently in charge and destroying our country.

Maybe Brad Knickerbocker should think about writing an article about how 0bama is leading the Democrats down the road to disaster in 2010 and 2012. :shrug:

vacant vapid douchebag like Palin...... but in reality is a psycho bitch glamor girl.......a prima donna and general pain in the ass.

Hmmmm. You think that young teenaged girls can be considered sexually "ripe" and women who wouldn't look twice at you are called "psycho bitch vapid douchebags." :rolleyes:
If you actually had ANY valid point I might respond, but you don't so I won't....

As long as the other side fails to lay absolute reasoning, you're willing to talk. Let the opposition give facts while backing it up, you stick your fingers in your ears & cry *blahblahblah*

Its a pattern.

That's why liberal talk radio does so well. Free and open discussion -- it burns us! It buuuurns us!!!!! /gollum

I strongly encourage you to believe its all smoke and mirrors, it might save lives in the long run.
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