Oh yeah, what did you(or your kids) dress up as for halloween?


Well-Known Member
I didn't. My daughter was a cowgirl(including horse) and my wife was the statue of liberty.

What were you?
Me? nothin. I had a witch's hat on so the kids would think I was in the spirit, and so they could have a good giggle at my expense.

I had a Ninja (weaponless), a Wizard, and a Spiderman 2. Not just any Spiderman, Spiderman 2. After we got home, I couldn't get the red makeup out of his hair and entirely off of his face, so he's sporting an interesting look at school today. Moral of the story? Don't buy Hallowe'en makeup at the dollar store.
I wore a Frankenstien Hat, and the wife wore a witch's hat. V 2.0 dressed as Satan (not that much of a stretch), or, as he calls it, "Pitchfork Guy".
A couple of OT questions for you Gato. Just how does one get to be an nco? How high up can an nco go and what distinguishes them from a commissioned officer?
I didn't dress up and don't have any kids ,even with the front door open and the porch light on with a bowl of candy we never got any trick or treaters :confused: .At work a few of the staff dressed up ,nothing fantastic,but I did find it ironic that one of the First Aid attendants came as "The Grim Reeper" :rofl4:
A.B.Normal said:
I didn't dress up and don't have any kids ,even with the front door open and the porch light on with a bowl of candy we never got any trick or treaters :confused: .At work a few of the staff dressed up ,nothing fantastic,but I did find it ironic that one of the First Aid attendants came as "The Grim Reeper" :rofl4:
how did that happen? do you live in the burbs?

I went through 50 hot chocolate packets between 5 and 6:30ish when we went out. That was what I gave out this year. 6.99 for 50 Carnation packets...could never have got good candy for 50 for that price, good for all ages. :headbang:
We bought our candy at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. The stores were getting a tad desparate at that point, so it was all half price.
HeXp£Øi± said:
A couple of OT questions for you Gato. Just how does one get to be an nco? How high up can an nco go and what distinguishes them from a commissioned officer?

Becoming an NCO is pretty much the same for each service. Most of it is based on your technical proficiency, and your knowledge of your branch of services history and traditions. The enlisted corps is actually composed of 9 levels, starting with E-1 (raw recruit) and going up to E-9. 98% of people will never get to E-9. I've got 16 years, and I'm 'only' an E-6. The NCO cadre starts at E-5. I'd like to see at least 1 more stripe before I retire, though...just to say I made it. ;)
I dressed up as a Home Depot employee. I thought about stuffing my pockets with play money and saying I was a rich Home Depot employee... after all, Halloween is a night of fantasy and rich Home Depot employees don't exist in the wild.
My kid went as a monster of sorts. Some thought he looked like a cross between sceletor and Freddy Krueger.

A link to the pic. Dunno if it'll work.
The link works. I'd have preferred to have seen him with the mask from Scary Movie, though. :D