ohhh Winky...

Luis G

Staff member
Winky said:
Well I'm glad you like them.
So what is a Europeon car?
yer-rope is a big place
with lots of widdle car companies mostly owned
by American car companies right?

Do they stop being european because americans have assets?
C'mon, list the companies owned by the big bad ass american car companies. ;)

For starters, who owns:
Volvo (Ford)
Mercedes Benz (Chrysler)
Porsche (VW)
Seat (VW)
Alfa Romeo
Saab (GM)
Land Rover (Ford)

I might stand corrected after all. :D
PostCode said:
Nissan owns Renault

It is the other way around.

March 27,1999: Renault and Nissan announce their strategic Alliance. Renault takes a 36.8% stake in Nissan
March 1st, 2002: Renault increases its stake in Nissan from 36.8% to 44.4%
March 28, 2002: Nissan acquires a 13.5% stake in Renault
May 28, 2002: Nissan acquires a further 1.5% stake

Anyway, isn't Nissan japanesse?
PostCode said:
Daimler/Chrysler owns Mercedes-Benz

Daimler owns Chrysler ,so its in not really an American company .I drive a German truck ( Dodge Dakota ) :lloyd:

[edit] Okay I see the theme of this thread :blush: [/edit]
Volkswagen - owned by the French Government (Saxony)

Renault - owned by the French Government

BMW - owned by BMW AG of Munich, Germany

Audi - Inky is correct, owned by VW

Ferrari - owned by Fiat

Alfa Romeo - also owned by Fiat
Ford makes Mazda engines.

GM and Totota partner on engine technology now (which is why I will never own another Toyota...)

Mitsubishi and Isuzu are partnered with Chrysler.

Conclusion: There really are only a handful of automobile manufacturers left. They change the nameplates and that's about it.