Ok, it might be a little early, but...


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Who do you think we'll see running for President next year? Of the ones at the top, I can't say it looks good. What do you guys think?
Sorry Gonz, those guys scare me.
I actually like Lieberman, but he can't get elected either.
While we're on the subject though, I don't think you should get to be president if you don't carry a majority of the popular vote, regardless of the electoral college
Bush v Kerry
unless kerry does something silly like a photo-op of him driving a tank.
The stage is well set for another state governer to step up and take the prize. I'm not terribly impressed with anyone in Washington.
chcr said:
While we're on the subject though, I don't think you should get to be president if you don't carry a majority of the popular vote, regardless of the electoral college
I see your point, but what do you suggest? Recount? :rofl: No, seriously, do you plan on calling a new vote?
Isn't that why they're in Washington. Their constituents didn't want 'em either. :D
Kerry is a potential, and I guess Bush is a shoe-in, especially if he ever takes care of business overseas. Sidenote: Has the incumbent ever not been nominated for re-election while he was eligible?
The First Democrat elected after the Civil War, Grover Cleveland was the only President to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later.

In December 1887 he called on Congress to reduce high protective tariffs. Told that he had given Republicans an effective issue for the campaign of 1888, he retorted, "What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something?" But Cleveland was defeated in 1888; although he won a larger popular majority than the Republican candidate Benjamin Harrison, he received fewer electoral votes.

Elected again in 1892, Cleveland faced an acute depression. He dealt directly with the Treasury crisis rather than with business failures, farm mortgage foreclosures, and unemployment. He obtained repeal of the mildly inflationary Sherman Silver Purchase Act and, with the aid of Wall Street, maintained the Treasury's gold reserve.

the bitch won't run against an incumbent. my guess is sh'll enlighten us (of our wallet stuffing) in '08.
I'll assume you mean Billary. There's no way she'd get that far, is there? :erm:
hopefully by then she'll have said/done something that will sink any chances of running.