Ok, this is strange.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I think my browser is allergic to Ol'man. This is not intended to be a jab or anything, but I've finally narrowed it down. Every time I open a thread that Ol'man has replied to, I get an error that says "Line 330, Expected J" I can clear the error and go on, but it's every time, and I just noticed today that it only happens on the threads that Ol'man has replied to. Anybody else get this?
Only way to tell is to have ol'man reply to this thread. Better stick his name in the title and see what happens.
Fixed the javascript error, also fixed quotes not getting parsed when his post was quoted or quickquoted, but it requires all of his posts to be quoted with doublequotes around them.


ol' man said:
ol' man said:

I've set the quote/quickquote buttons to automatically do this to all posts but now it's up to you to retrain your fingers to include the double quote marks for when you manually quote someone. :beerbang:
Hm... I guess removing the ' from the regex made it so you can quote his name without doublequotes, but it's still good practice (cleaner code, easier on the parser as well)
Thanks fury, I suspected it had something to do with the '. The odd thing was that it only did it when there were new posts too though, I think more often when he was the new poster, but sometimes not.
The javascript errors appeared whenever he posted in a thread. The ' was throwing the script parser off. So I added a line in the postbit function to create a new variable with an addslashed username (adds \ behind every character that would throw off a parser, e.g. " and ') and set the quick quote button to add doublequotes around usernames, as well as the regular quote button

Fortunately, this does not only fix it for ol' man but whoever in the future decides to sign up with an apostrophe in their name. :beerbang:

Information Overload Nazi at your service... I'm planning world domination by way of exploding everyone's brain by telling them a bunch of tech speak! :beerbang:
Some of us are immune. Bring it on, doughboy. I'll start posting my old assembler and cobol codes. We'll see who cracks first.
I took assembly once, one thing I learned for sure.

People who know and love assembly are some really fucked up induhviduals.