Okay, unc.


*not sure if 12k warrants gettin' drunk to celebrate.........but then, is as good a reason as any :D *
*A gnarled and cruel fist aged prematurely by the ebbing tides of fierce paranoia and hatred slowly reaches across the sick bed and fiercely clutches at his sceptre. A final glint of fire eminates from behind the eyes... seeing all... comprehending little. Dry, splittle caked words issue forth from dry lips.

It's mine! I am still em...pe...ror...

*clutches at chest*


*what little life remains trickles from the mortal coil*

*collapses to dust*
I'm on my third too and i haven't hit 11K yet...But I type with my penis so maybe that has something to do with it. :tardbang: