old buddies? or new friends?

I really like Perry, but I'm sticking with Cain, 'til Perry pays his due.
He's got some fire to walk through.
Texas has added jobs, has a lower than average unemployment rate, is in the black and actually kills its murderers.. He already paid his dues.
yep. he's past that. now he just seems like a local yokel shit-bagger. the first part is okay, but the second...

i will be pleased whatever the outcome of the next election. the possibilities being...

1. a barbie boob - male or female - pabulum spouter.
2. thad mccotter, or
3. obama, because his utter mediocrity is at least predictable.

oh, wait, and then there's the eunuch mitt romney option.

see where i'm going here? (not that i do...)
Texas has added jobs, has a lower than average unemployment rate, is in the black and actually kills its murderers.. He already paid his dues.

different dues.
He's missed several so-called debates.
I just wanna see more.
Personally I think when he formally announces, his polls are just going to start
going straight up, dusting all the others.
3. obama, because his utter mediocrity is at least predictable.

the only predictability of obama is what ever option is most likely to farther
damage this country, that's probably the way he'll go.
I personally think he's looking forward to getting the credit rating downgraded.
It seems that's what he's been working for it for a while now.
the song remains the same

one thing you can be sure of is no matter who gets in
not one danged thing is going to change
they will just keep on driving the country right over the cliff

so why the hell does it really matter?
Re: the song remains the same

one thing you can be sure of is no matter who gets in
not one danged thing is going to change
they will just keep on driving the country right over the cliff

so why the hell does it really matter?

so you don't think things have changed since obama took office?
I see that the direction we've been heading since the 60's
has recently accelerated so rapidly that even the slowest among us can't
help but notice. I want you to know that there is nothing that can
stop this progression towards totalitarianism. People yelping nor
Minxy sticking his tongue out at us will have any effect.

This type of thing never ends well, I'm convinced it will be with a whimper and not a bang.

Obamacare was his finest hour

40 years ago who would have ever thought we'd need the government
to mandate how much water a toilet used when flushed or what type of light bulbs we use?

But Ronnie Raygun knew what the result of socialized medicine would be in the 60's

Don't despair Cletus, switch from being a free productive responsible citizen
to a serf that is property of the state. The One will provide.

yeah winky we're all doomed. yawn.

shit if we let defeatists like you run the country we would be.

perk up, little squirrel.
What do my balls have to do with the direction of the country?
Are they intimately related in some way?
Is there a cause and effect between the socialist regime and my gonads?
Would my choad sputter a flutter if we actually balanced the budget,
cut taxes and the economy began to recover?

My pissin' and moaning isn't going to change anything.
In fact nothing I do could ever do would have any effect.
So I'm going to vote:

The "windmills", Don, are all part of a bigger picture. Keep enough small fires going & some will get missed. Keep enough burning & the populace grows tired of the tedious rants & rages, allowing all kinds of crap to go unnoticed. Keep throwing shit at the wall, some of it will stick. When enough sticks, it'll be too late to wash it off.

We are all the government. If we don't put out the little fires, how are we going to stop the inferno?